

胆靠声壮对应英文:Bile by sound

就是这一星星绿,就是这一滴滴泉。 就是这一眼眼风沙,就是这一声声嘶喊。 哦,这一声声嘶喊。 攥着我的心,撤着我的肝。 记着我的忧虑,壮着我的胆。 攥着我的心,撤着我...对应英文:This is a star green, is this a drop of spring. This is an eye sand, is the sound of screaming. Oh, the sound hoarse. Clutching my heart, from my liver. Remember my worries, and my courage. Clutching my heart, from my...

就是这一眼眼风沙, 就是这一声声嘶喊。 哦......这一声声嘶喊...... 攥住我的心, 扯着我的肝。 记着我的忧虑, 壮着我的胆。 攥着我的心, 撤着我的肝。 记着我的忧虑,...对应英文:This is an eye sand, is the sound of screaming. Oh... The sound of cry... Hold my heart, pulled my liver. Remember my worries, and my courage. Clutching my heart, from my liver. Remember my worries,...

羊 期四大美女乐无边,户挂枷锁走荒丘。蛇 期明眼张胆把物偷,寸金难买寸光阴。牛 期花香月圆人情好,才华出众人人数。龙 期惹祸上身死必定,看家守...对应英文:Sheep four big beauty Le boundless, door hanging chains walking hillocks. Snake bile to steal Ming eyes, Time is money. Cow flowers full moon human good, talented people. Long period of trouble death must keep, housekeeping...

(王孙雄的楼台,传来一阵歌声) 这是什么声音 王孙雄就在我的京城会稽,盖起歌台,夜夜唱着夫差的吴歌。可羞...但你能叫人胆壮,叫人勇敢,敢于面对一切残暴和不平。 胆哪,...对应英文:(Wang Sunxiong's stand, heard a voice) this is what the voice of Wang Sunxiong in my city Huiji, cover songs, singing the songs of Wu King of night. Be ashamed... But you can make people strong, so brave, dare to face all the cruelty and injustice. Bile which,...

就是这一星星绿,就是这一滴滴泉。就是这一眼眼风沙,就是这一声声嘶喊。哦......这一声声嘶喊......攥住我的心,扯着我的肝。记着我的忧虑,壮着我的胆。攥着我的心,扯着...对应英文:This is a star green, is this a drop of spring. This is an eye sand, is the sound of screaming. Oh... The sound of cry... Hold my heart, pulled my liver. Remember my worries, and my courage. Clutching my heart, pull...

吞牛壮钱壮情壮泉壮热壮容壮乳壮盛壮实壮士壮士断腕壮士歌壮士解腕壮士声壮事壮室壮硕壮思壮岁壮图壮旺壮...沉雄悲壮逞壮齿壮村壮崇壮充壮大壮粗壮胆壮胆粗气壮敦壮丁壮...对应英文:Swallowed cattle strong money strong feeling strong spring fever strong capacity strong milk Zhuangcheng sturdy warriors decide promptly and opportunely Warrior Song Zhuang Zhuang room acoustic decide promptly and opportunely heroes do big strong strong, strong Wang Zhuang Zhuang plans... Good and strong teeth be Zhuang village Zhuang Chong Zhuang Zhuang Zhuang coarse embolden embolden heavily filled Zhuang, Zhuang Ding zhuang...

(王孙雄的楼台,传来一阵歌声)这是什么声音王孙雄就在我的京城会稽,盖起歌台,夜夜唱着夫差的吴歌。可羞啊...胆,你是多么苦啊。但你能叫人胆壮,叫人勇敢,敢于面对一切残暴...对应英文:(Wang Sunxiong's stand, heard a voice) this is what the voice of Wang Sunxiong in my city Huiji, cover songs, singing the songs of Wu King of night. Be ashamed ah... Bravery, you are so bitter. But you can make people strong, so brave, dare to face all cruel...

行军路一路坎坷尘土飞扬  盼故人归我在望楼祈福咏唱    微微琴弦绕梁不绝朗朗书声承载笔砚  隆中有对复兴之业三分之策笑谈山野  运筹帷幄决胜千里赤壁...对应英文:For a bumpy road dusty road for an old friend I pray in Belvedere singing slightly strings shows endless Shusheng Lang Lang on the revival of three points to map out a strategy of Chibi mountain during a long bearing pen inkstone...

就是这一星星绿, 就是这一滴滴泉。 就是这一眼眼风沙, 就是这一声声嘶喊。 哦......这一声声嘶喊...... 攥住我的心, 扯着我的肝。 记着我的忧虑, 壮着我的胆。 攥着...对应英文:This is a star green, is this a drop of spring. This is an eye sand, is the sound of screaming. Oh... The sound of cry... Hold my heart, pulled my liver. Remember my worries, and my courage. Holding...

赤胆忠(心)直口(快)人快(语)重心(长)生不(老)当益(壮)志凌(云)开见(日)新月(异)口同(声)色俱(历)对应英文:Chidan faithful (heart) straight mouth (fast) fast (Language) center of gravity (long) not (old) when the (strong) Zhi Ling (cloud) open to see (Japan) new moon (ISO) with (sound) color Club (calendar)


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