

饱经冬寒知春暖对应英文:In our country know

前人栽树后人乘凉不经冬寒难知春暖哭笑不得始终如一对应英文:Predecessors trees descendants cool without cold winter to warm themselves be consistent from beginning to end

阳光对(黑暗), 碧草对青松 春暖对冬寒 绿树 对 红花对应英文:The sun on the (Hei An), and the pine trees in winter spring of safflower

中国有句老话"良言一句三春暖,恶语伤人六月寒", 意思大概是说,一句真诚的赞美或好话,好象阳光使人 全身温暖,若是一句伤害对方的话,往往令别人的自尊 受创,甚至不会痊...对应英文:There is an old saying "remarks to three spring China, abusable cold June", it is said, sincere words of praise or commendation, like the sun to warm body, if a hurt each other, often make people's self-esteem hit, not even...

不见兔子不撒鹰。 不经冬寒,不知春暖 不可不算,不可全算。 不磨不炼,不成好汗。 不怕百事不利,就怕灰心丧气 不怕不识货,只怕货比货。 不怕穿得迟,就怕脱得早。 不怕...对应英文:Could not withdraw eagle. Without cold, not cold not can not, can not be fully considered. Don't wear not refined, not a good sweat. Not afraid of Pepsi adverse, afraid to get disheartened not afraid, afraid of goods than goods. Not afraid to wear too late, afraid off early. Be not afraid of.

因而虽是同一虚证,也因春暖、夏热、秋燥、冬寒、北方、南方等季节不同和地区差异,所选择的补品、补药亦有所差别。补益是补其不足,扶正祛邪,增进身体健康。对于健康的...对应英文:So it is the same deficiency, also because of warm spring, hot summer, autumn dry, cold winter, north, South and other seasonal and regional differences, the tonic, tonic is also somewhat difference. Replenishing the complement, Fu Zhengqu evil, promote health. For health...

奉寄此诗,便请邀高三十五使君同到》 《陪李七司马皂江上观造竹桥,即日成,往来之人免冬寒入水,聊题断作,简李公》 《登高》 《登楼》 《闻官军收河南河北》 《宿府》 ...对应英文:Send this poem, then please invite you to "three to fifteen with seven" with Lee Sima soap River view made the bamboo bridge, now, with the people from winter into the water, chat topic off, Jane Li Gong "Climbing" up "" "" Henan Hebei "Wen Guanjun" Su Fu "...

不经冬寒--哪知春暖 众人一条心--铁杵也成针 不怕人穷--只怕志短 见人不施礼--背后叫人批 沉香当柴烧--可惜了好材料 草地上的露珠--不长久 柴禾上浇汽油--干柴遇烈火...对应英文:Without cold -- which know spring all of one mind -- will also not afraid afraid of poor needle - short people don't salute -- behind called people for firewood, but aloes dew grass good material -- not long firewood firewood fire poured gasoline - in...

、二八好行船。 、春寒雨那溅,冬寒叫苦旱。 、春天囝仔面,一日变三变。 、春稻十八难。 、三月三月,一日剥皮,三日盖被。 、三月半,寒得勿会 足百 田岸。 ...对应英文:Two eight, a good boat ride. The spring rain, splashing, winter drought. Spring, child, three a day. Rice, spring eighteen. In March, March, a day of peeling, three cover. In March, half, so cold that will not foot 100 Tian An. ...

这就是春捂秋冻的意思。春暖,夏炎,秋凉,冬寒。不但大自然有着四季的明显变化,人体内也有着四季的变化。春夏季,天气变暖,阳气回升,同样的,人呢在经过一冬的严寒以后,...对应英文:This is the job. In spring, autumn, winter cold summer inflammation. Not only the nature has the obvious change of four seasons, the body also has a change of seasons. The spring and summer, the weather warming, rebound Yang, the same, people do after a cold winter later,...

不见高山,那知平地。 不经冬寒,不知春暖。 严以责己,宽以待人。 滴水成河,粒米成箩。 算算用用,一世勿穷。 树高千丈,叶落归根。 养儿防老,积谷防荒。 远亲不如近邻好...对应英文:Not see the mountains, but the ground. Without cold, not cold. To be severe with oneself and lenient with others. Many a little makes a mickle. She used, I do not poor. A tree may grow a thousand "Zhang" high, but its leaves fall back to the roots -- a person residing away from home eventually returns to his native soil. Raise children to provide against old age, store up grain against famine. Better is a neighbor...


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