

破窑出好瓦对应英文:A good tile kiln

古人不是有句话叫做破窑出好瓦 么。有些父母并不聪明,但是他们的却很聪明。 父母读书不聪明和他们当时所处的教学环境、所接受的教育方式,以及他们那个年代所处的...对应英文:The ancients not saying good tile you cave. Some parents are not clever, but they are very clever. Parents reading not clever and they were in the teaching environment, education mode, as well as their age...

因为穷得上无片瓦,地无一垅。只好住在破窑里。 他虽贫穷,却日夜不忘刻苦攻读。那一日,他遇见陕西华阴来的书生寇准,二人一见如故,结伴进城,来到东大街一家门前看见许多...对应英文:Too poor to get, no one in the ridge. But to live in a cave. He's poor, but did not forget to work hard day and night. That day, he met the Shaanxi Huayin scholar Kou Zhun, the two hit it off, go into the town, came to the East Street a door see many...


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