

脸不红心不跳对应英文:The face is not red does not jump

这家伙脸不红心不跳地说:“这是我的导盲犬。”对应英文:This guy's face without missing a beat, said: "this is my seeing eye dog."

我们必须有那些哥们间口若悬河、脸不红心不跳且很淫荡地谈论性的场景。对应英文:We must have those between the brothers, talk rapidly. face is not red does not jump and very lewd about sexual scenes.

“我确定以后会找到的,亲爱的,就在这的某个角落”,我脸不红心不跳的撒谎道。对应英文:"I'll find later, dear, just in a certain corner" this, my face without missing a beat.

这家伙脸不红心不跳地说:“这是我的导盲犬。”对应英文:This guy's face without missing a beat, said: "this is my seeing eye dog."

我们必须有那些哥们间口若悬河、脸不红心不跳且很淫荡地谈论性的场景。对应英文:We must have those between the brothers, talk rapidly. face is not red does not jump and very lewd about sexual scenes.

“我确定以后会找到的,亲爱的,就在这的某个角落”,我脸不红心不跳的撒谎道。对应英文:"I'll find later, dear, just in a certain corner" this, my face without missing a beat.


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