

千言万语在一躬对应英文:Thousands and thousands of words in a bow

用鞠躬代替了千言万语对应英文:Bowing instead of thousands and thousands of words

妈妈,千言万语在一躬,祝您节快乐,还有我爱您! 嘻,看你那可爱样,给你点颜色你就发亮,给你点油脂你就发胖,给你一朵玫瑰你就头昏脑胀,给你一个宝宝你就不知方向,母亲节...对应英文:Mom, thousands and thousands of words in a bow, wish your festival happiness, and I love you! Hey, you look lovely, teach you a lesson you shine, give you some fat you gain weight, give you a rose you feel dizzy, give you a baby you don't know, mother's day...

无论,孩子成就大或小,父母,永无条件站身后,千言万语在一躬爸妈辛苦了!春节祝福语 敬爱的父母,我夜观天象,发现一个"惊世天机"--健康长寿的法宝--"每天笑",呵呵呵,祝福...对应英文:No matter the child achievement, large or small, parents, no conditions behind, thousands and thousands of words in a bow my parents hard! The Spring Festival greetings dear parents, I evernight, found a "shocking secret" - the health and longevity of the magic weapon -- "laugh every day", ha ha ha, blessing...

在庆祝教师节周年的日子里,我们心潮澎湃,思绪万千,千言万语无法深深表达我们的感激,万语千言诉说不尽我...弯弯的眼睛就把上下两条弧线紧贴在一起,眯成了一条缝。生气时...对应英文:To celebrate the anniversary of the day, we be full of excitement., a myriad of thoughts, thousands and thousands of words cannot express our gratitude to the deep, thousands and thousands of words to tell not me... The eyes to the next two arcs close together, narrowed into slits. When angry...

感谢父母感谢亲人感谢前来的宾客感谢的话千千万万鞠个躬代替千言万语对应英文:Thank the parents thank relatives thank guests coming to thank you thousands on thousands of bow instead of thousands and thousands of words

千思百虑夜夜梦, 千方百计开朦胧。 千言万语诉由衷, 千山万水留影踪。 千难万险必亲躬, 感天动地天路通。 祥云瑞气盈苍穹, 化肥立项喜飞觥。 基建辛苦秋复冬, 大干快...对应英文:Si hundred thousand anxiety dreams every night, make every attempt to open the hazy. Thousands and thousands of words v. sincerely, numerous hills and streams with shadow. Numerous difficulties and dangers will be dear bow, affecting tianlutong. Profit sky auspicious sign, like flying from fertilizer project. Autumn winter construction hard complex, work fast...

在庆祝教师节周年的日子里,我们心潮澎湃,思绪万千,千言万语无法深深表达我们的感激,万语千言诉说不尽我...向我们尊敬的老师深深的鞠上一躬,衷心地对我们的老师说一声...对应英文:To celebrate the anniversary of the day, we be full of excitement., a myriad of thoughts, thousands and thousands of words cannot express our gratitude to the deep, thousands and thousands of words to tell not me... To our respected teacher deeply take a bow, sincerely to our teachers to say...

我深深的鞠了一躬,因为他们的英勇让我感动……亲爱的孩子们,我们南斯拉夫人对不起你们。这位死去的年轻的...总之,用千言万语也表达不出我们的歉意,我所能做到的只有这么...对应英文:I bowed deeply, for their bravery moved me...... Dear children, we Yugoslavs sorry you. The dead young... In short, is also expressed in thousands and thousands of words is not our apologies, I can do only so...

此刻,千言万语无法表达我内心的感激之情,请允许我深鞠一躬表达我对你们的谢意。感谢你们一千多个日夜风雨无阻的接送,感谢你们对女儿无怨无悔的付出与教诲。 我知道考...对应英文:At the moment, thousands and thousands of words cannot express my gratitude, please allow I bowed deeply to express my gratitude to you. Thank you for more than one thousand day regardless of the weather of the shuttle, thank you for giving and teachings daughter take. I knew it...

在爸爸的七十大寿殿堂前,儿女们也是心潮澎湃,感慨万千,千言万语涌上心头。好,下面请出儿女辈的代表,也就是...亲爱的朋友们,此时此刻,儿女的千言万语在生日殿堂前都显得那...对应英文:In his father's seventy birthday palace, also be full of excitement. children, be filled with a thousand regrets, thousands and thousands of words in my heart. Well, here on behalf of children generation, that is... My dear friends, at this moment, the sons and daughters of the thousands and thousands of words in the temple is the birthday...


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