

心病还须心药医对应英文:Seek your salve where you get your sore
心病还须心药医,拼为xīn bìng hái xū xīn yào yī,指心里的忧虑或恋念成了精神负担,必须消除造成这种精神负担的因素。
                心病还须心药医   拼音:    解释: 心里的忧虑或恋念成了精神负担,必须消除造成这种精神负担的因素。    

心病还须心药医 出处宋·惠洪《林间集》卷下载出处 元·王实甫《西厢记》第一本第二折"俺老夫人治家严肃,凛若冰霜。" 示例 笑起来一双眼又秀又媚,却是不笑起来又~。(...对应英文:Heart to heart medicine from Song Huihong "the set" volume download source yuan Wang Shifu "the West Chamber" of the first second fold "an old lady in a solemn, cold as ice and frost. "Laughing eyes and example show and Mei, but not to laugh again. (...

心病还需心药医,字面的意思是心里受伤了,要找到受伤的原因,并对症下药。比如你相爱多年的女友找第三者,你气愤下一病不起。这种病就是心病,外部药物没用。只有心药才行...对应英文:Heart medicine for the heart, literally means the heart is injured, to find the cause of injury, and an antidote against the disease. For example, you love girlfriend for third years, you angry he. This disease is heart disease, with no external drug. Only the heart medicine...

心病终须心药治,解铃还须系铃人 来源《红楼梦》第回有句诗语"心病终须心药治,解铃还须系铃人。"(解铃还须系铃人的出处更早,见下.) 解释思想上的毛病,要用解决思...对应英文:Heart disease have heart medicine to cure, who ties unties from "a dream of Red Mansions" article back to a poem language "will have the cure of disease, should end it is the bell. "(who ties unties. Earlier, see below.) explain the ideological problems, with solutions...

你说的很对,解铃还须系铃人。在哪摔倒的,在哪爬起来!祝看帖的都开心!对应英文:What you said is right, who ties unties. Where to fall, where up to make everyone happy!

这没用的,心病终须心药医,解铃还须系铃人。还是让她来,这才能平息的。只有那个伤害了人的人去平息、解决、安慰、帮助那个被伤害的人,才能使那个被伤害的人真正地得到...对应英文:It's no use, will have heart disease medicine, who ties unties. Let her come, it can calm down. Only the injured person to calm, solve, comfort, to help the injured people, can make the person really get hurt...

' 心病还需 心药医对应英文:Seek your salve where you get your sore

我的认为因为心病是你自己心里面的那道坎过不去,别人对你来说只是一个参摸,至于最后的怎样只能靠你自己去调节啊,毕竟是你自己的心别人不能怎么样,最重要的是心态问题...对应英文:I think because heart disease is the line of your own heart to go, others to you is only a reference for the final touch, how can only rely on your own to adjust ah, after all, is what your own heart, others can not, the most important is the mentality of the problem...

出自《红楼梦》作者曹雪芹。对应英文:From "a dream of Red Mansions" author Cao Xueqin.

很简单,冷静下来,问问自己的心,到底自己要的是什么!自己的心从来不会骗自己!冷静一段时间~问题自然就会浮出水面~到时候再对症下药就好了~对应英文:Very simple, calm down, ask your own heart, what I want is what! My heart will never lie to yourself! Calm down for a period of time, the problem would emerge, then an antidote against the disease as well

的应该是自己的态度吧!如果自己看不开,不论谁帮你,你都无法走出来,所以一定要调整自己的心态,不要把自己的懦弱说成别人的过错,只要你敢勇敢地面对,有什么看过不去呢!...对应英文:It is your attitude! If you can't open, no matter who help you, you can go out, so we must adjust their mentality, not to their own weakness into someone else's fault, as long as you dare to brave to face, have what not to read!...


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