

成由勤俭败由奢对应英文:By diligence and defeated by

成由勤俭败由奢中奢的意思用钱没有节制,过分享受对应英文:By frugality and luxury smitten by in mean money without restraint, too much to enjoy

缔造了开皇之治,就是以勤俭为原则。 他儿子隋炀帝杨广,就是因为奢侈荒淫所以败掉了江山,可以说是败由奢。对应英文:Create kaihuang rule, is to be the principle. His son, Suiti Yang Guang, is because the luxury and so failed Jiangshan, can be said to be defeated by the extravagance.

义山其实很矛盾,他虽然知道"历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭败由奢。",但当时是唐文宗很有雄心壮志的,可惜被家奴所制,抑郁而亡,所以义山也无法解释为何国家会走向衰败,所以他...对应英文:Yi Shan is very contradictory, although he knew "to visit the worthies country and home, into a thrifty defeat by the extravagance. ", but it was Tang Wenzong's lofty ideals and high aspirations, but be slaves of death, depression, so Yi Shan to explain why countries will decline, so he...

但他戎马生涯四十余年,却始终保持着勤俭节约的作风,还经常勉励部下珍惜一草一木,为国为民多做贡献。至今人们传诵最多的是他珍惜竹头木屑的故事。 ...对应英文:But his military life for more than forty years, has always maintained a thrifty style, also often encourage men to cherish every tree and bush, do more contribution for the state and the people. It is the most treasured seemingly unimportant but useful things he told the story. ...

成由勤俭败由奢.这一诗句告诉我们,意思是历观前代王朝和古老的家风,往往勤俭节约意味着成功,奢侈浮夸意味着失败。"历览前贤国与家,对应英文:By diligence was smitten by the extravagance. This verse tells us, mean calendar view of previous dynasties and the ancient tradition of thrift, often means success, luxury grandiose means failure. "To visit the worthies country and home,

.纣王建鹿台,酒池肉林.杨广豪华出游.秦始皇建阿房宫成语方面写到哪自由发挥对应英文:King Zhou built. Deer, extravagant orgy. Yang Guang luxury travel. The emperor built afanggong idioms wrote which free play

纵观历史上贤明的国家,成功靠的是勤奋节俭,破败是因为奢侈。希望对你有帮助哈~~对应英文:Throughout history a wise nation, success is hardworking and thrifty, run down is because the luxury. I hope there is help ~ ~ to you

隋文帝 隋炀帝对应英文:Sui Wendi Suiti

成由勤俭败由奢.这一诗句告诉我们,一个国家想繁荣富强,只有(保持艰苦奋斗的精神和艰苦朴素的作风) "历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭败由奢。"这是唐代大诗人李商隐在总结唐朝...对应英文:By diligence was smitten by the extravagance. This verse tells us, a country wants to rich, strong and prosperous, only (keep work hard and perseveringly spirit and the style of plain living) "to visit the worthies country and home, into a thrifty defeat by the extravagance. "This is the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin in Tang dynasty...

越王勾践和吴王夫差对应英文:Yue and Wu King Fu Cha


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