

抬不起头来对应英文:Lift not head

那之后整整一个星期,我妈只跟他说了一次话。 她说的是:“你真让我抬不起头来。”对应英文:Exactly a week after that, she spoke to him only once. She said: "you really make me could not lift up."

机关枪的火力压得我们抬不起头来。对应英文:Machine gun fire pressure so that we could not lift up.

他似乎给自己的错误压得抬不起头来了。对应英文:He seemed to own mistake pressure could not lift their heads.

那之后整整一个星期,我妈只跟他说了一次话。 她说的是:“你真让我抬不起头来。”对应英文:Exactly a week after that, she spoke to him only once. She said: "you really make me could not lift up."

他似乎给自己的错误压得抬不起头来了。对应英文:He seemed to own mistake pressure could not lift their heads.

由于对父亲如此不忠诚,他今后在这个镇里永远也抬不起头来。对应英文:Because so disloyal to his father, his future in this town will not lift their heads.

市里的领导这么做分明就是赤裸裸的给我穿小鞋,弄得我在局里几乎抬不起头来了。对应英文:The leadership of the city to do so clearly is naked give me trouble, made me almost could not lift up in the office.

如果你被送进监狱,你的家人在本城就会再也抬不起头来。对应英文:If you were sent to prison, your family in this city will again also could not lift up.

这位伟大的德国门将强调门将会因为一时的失误而长久抬不起头来。对应英文:The great German goalkeeper emphasis will because of momentary lapses and long lift not head.


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