

无盐不解淡对应英文:Salt not light
无盐不解淡,拼为wú yán bù jiě dàn,比喻不下本钱就办不成事。  无盐不解淡   拼音: wú yán bù jiě dàn 简拼: wybd   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 比喻不下本钱就办不成事。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   刻画无盐无盐不解淡     




恬淡寡欲 恬淡无为 恬淡无欲 惨淡 惨淡经营 愁云惨淡 扩淡 扯淡 攻苦食淡 散淡 散淡子 无盐不解淡 旨淡 旷淡 昏淡 晕淡 晻淡 暗淡 暗淡无光 枯淡 沈淡 泔淡 浄淡 浅淡...对应英文:Quiet in mind with few desires indifferent gain Tiandanwuyu gloomy miserable and gloomy atmosphere. Keep going by painstaking effort Gongkushidan scattered scattered light expanding sub salt puzzled light purpose light open light faint light halo light An pale dim dim and dark dry light, Shen Dan Gan light, light light...

" 语法 联合式作谓语、定语指忍受清苦乏味的生活 近义词 熬清守淡 词目 无盐不解淡 发音 ú á ù ě à 释义 比喻不下本钱就办不成事。对应英文:"Grammar combined predicate, attributive to endure impoverished life of synonyms Aoqingshoudan unsalted puzzled pale pronunciation ú á ù é à metaphor interpretation is not capital do not viable.

无巧不成话 无巧不成书 无容身之地 无所措手足 无所错手足 无所施其伎 无所施其技 无盐不解淡 无用武之地 吾家千里驹 梧桐一叶落 五月粜新谷 物以希为贵 物以稀为贵 ...对应英文:As luck would have it There is no story without coincidences. without a place to shelter oneself not knowing what to do no wrong and no Shi Ji without resort unsalted puzzled pale lack scope for their abilities be proud of one's own children plane fell very poor for your objects to the Greek rarity...

学而优则仕 言语妙天下 惺惺惜惺惺 心之官则思 哑子吃黄连 熏莸不同器 小鹿触心头 无盐不解淡 无可无不可 无风不起浪 小巫见大巫 五月粜新谷对应英文:Family speak incomparably wittily appreciate each other official heart is thinking have ineffable sorrows, Bluebeard is different touch heart fawn salt puzzled light not to care one way or another There are no waves without wind. pale into insignificance by comparison very poor

只此一家,别无分店 坐无虚席 恣无忌惮 主一无适 无用武之地 无以塞责 无倚无靠 无翼而飞 无盐不解淡 无须之祸 无一不备 无下箸处 无兄盗嫂 无为之治 无与比伦 无幽不...对应英文:The one and the only with every seat taken Ziwujidan devoted to one's duties lack scope for their abilities Wuyisaize heart wingless but has flown away Wuxuzhihuo have an abundant supply Wuxiazhuchu Wuxiongdaosao pale salt by inaction rule Wuyubilun no you don't...

无巧不成话无巧不成书 无容身之地 无所措手足 无所错手足 无所施其伎 无所施其技无盐不解淡 无用武之地 吾家千里驹 梧桐一叶落 五月粜新谷 物以希为贵物以稀为贵 习惯...对应英文:As luck would have it There is no story without coincidences. without a place to shelter oneself not knowing what to do no wrong and no Shi Ji without resort unsalted puzzled pale lack scope for their abilities be proud of one's own children plane fell very poor for your objects to the Greek rarity habits...

现多指说话写文章把重要问题轻轻带过。 咸嘴淡舌 比喻无事生非或没话找话说。 无盐不解淡 比喻不下本钱就办不成事。 浓妆淡抹 〖解释〗指浓艳和淡雅两种不同的妆饰。...对应英文:Now many means to speak and write the question off lightly. Xianzuidanshe metaphors make trouble out of nothing or you have nothing to say. Unsalted puzzled pale analogy not capital do not viable. Richly adorned or plainly dressed on the interpretation refers to the rich and elegant two different ornaments. ...

清微淡远 清雅微妙,淡泊深远。 声希味淡 〖解释〗指平淡无奇,没有什么名声。有曲高和寡,不为人知之意。 无盐不解淡 比喻不下本钱就办不成事。对应英文:Elegant and delicate and refined and profound, far-reaching. Shengxiweidan on the interpretation refers to appear trite and insignificant, not what fame. A highbrow, unknown. Unsalted puzzled pale analogy not capital do not viable.

无所不有 无所不在 无所不知 无所不至 无所不作 无往不复 无往不克 无往不利 无往不胜 无微不至 无盐不解淡 无一不备 无一不知 无幽不烛 无远不届 无征不信 五谷不分...对应英文:Nothing needed is lacking. omnipresent know everything stop at nothing stop at nothing Wuwangbufu Wuwangbuke be benefited in every way be ever-victorious in one's forward march meticulously unsalted puzzled light have an abundant supply Wuyoubuzhu nothing one does not know Wuyuanbujie not credible unless supported by evidence and ignorant...

淡风轻交淡若水君子之交淡如水君子之交淡若水咸嘴淡舌声希味淡平淡无奇恬淡寡欲恬淡无为恬淡无欲惨淡经营愁云惨淡攻苦食淡无盐不解淡暗淡无光浓妆淡抹浓抹淡妆淡写轻...对应英文:The light wind light Jiaodanruoshui A hedge between keeps friendship green. friendship between gentlemen as light as water Xianzuidanshe Shengxiweidan appear trite and insignificant quiet in mind with few desires keep going by painstaking effort Tiandanwuyu indifferent gain miserable and gloomy atmosphere Gongkushidan unsalted puzzled light dim and dark richly adorned or plainly dressed Nongmodanzhuang pale write light...


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