

一鼻孔出气对应英文:Say exactly the same thing
一鼻孔出气,拼为yī bí kǒng chū qì,指同一个鼻孔出气。比喻立场、观点、主张完全一致。出自毛泽东《湖南农民运动考察报告》。

沆瀣一气对应英文:Act evilly in collusion with

一丘之貉、一路货色、齐心协力、狼狈为奸、风雨同舟、同舟共济、串通一气、异口同声对应英文:Birds of a feather, be of the same mould, make concerted efforts, work hand in glove with, stand together through storm and stress, to pull together in times of trouble, gang up, speak with

老鼠对应英文:The mouse

每个人都不能同时用两个鼻孔出气啊,是左右交换出气的,是正常的,两边一起出就成怪物了。对应英文:Everyone can't use two nostril also ah, is about exchange gas, is normal, both sides together is a monster.

一丘之貉坦诚相见得陇望蜀对应英文:Birds of a feather candid have insatiable desires

我是岁 买一瓶呋嘛滴鼻液在鼻孔塞住了的时候用 马上就通了对应英文:I am years old to buy a bottle of furacilin nasal drops. When plugged in the nostrils with immediately

一窍不通对应英文:Be utterly ignorant of

是不是睡觉时,侧着睡的话,下边那个鼻孔就会堵住呢 翻身向另一个方向睡一会后,又会换一个鼻孔堵住 建议上正规一点的医院去治疗, 现在治鼻炎的广告很多,,,以我个人的...对应英文:Is it right? Sleep, sleep on one side of the nose, below that will block it turn to another direction to sleep, and another one blocked proposals on the point of the regular hospital treatment, now treat rhinitis advertising a lot of,,, on my own...

感冒症状,内火,原因就是受凉感冒.并不是你感觉不舒服了才是感冒,有的感冒刚开始你并不能感觉到对应英文:The symptoms of a cold, fire, the reason is to catch a cold. Don't you feel uncomfortable is cold, some cold at first you can't feel

我估计是体内肝火太旺吧,没事啊,几天就好了啊。没啥大不了的啊,记得评价一下啊,对应英文:I estimate in an angry, nothing, a few days just fine. It's no big deal. Ah, remember to evaluate,

俗语一鼻孔出气yī bí kǒng chū qì是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/848.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

yī bí kǒng chū qì

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