

  顾头不顾尾   拼音: gù tóu bù gù wěi 简拼: gtbw   近义词: 顾前不顾后 反义词:    用法: 复句式;作宾语、分句;含贬义   解释: 形容做事或考虑事不仔细周到。   出处: 清・曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六回:“你皆因年小时候,托着老子娘的福,吃喝惯了,如今所以有了钱就顾头不顾尾,没了钱就瞎生气。”   例子: 你皆因年小时候,托着老子娘的福,吃喝惯了,如今所以有了钱就~。(清・曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六回)   谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   顾头不顾尾顾头不顾脚       

应该是"蛇",这里有个故事《半夜鸡鸣》,说的是周扒皮半夜学鸡鸣。可以看一下……对应英文:Should be the "snake", here is the story "midnight crow", said the night school is zhoupapi cock. You can look at......

因为人们传说鸵鸟在遇见危险逃命时,会把脑袋埋到沙子里面,自然屁股露在外面,所以人们形象地说 鸵鸟逃命---顾头不顾尾对应英文:Because people say ostrich met escape danger, will put his head into the sand, natural butt dew in outside, so people said vividly ostrich escape - impertinent

挨打的山鸡--顾头不顾尾 赤脚戴礼帽--顾头不顾尾 驼鸟钻沙--顾头不顾尾 秧鸡子下田--顾头不顾尾对应英文:Beaten pheasant - impertinent barefoot wearing hats -- impertinent ostrich drilling sand - impertinent seedling eggs laid by Tian - impertinent

是鸵鸟啊!!它遇到敌人会把头埋地里,露在外面对应英文:The ostrich is ah!! it will head buried in the face of the enemy, dew in outside

鼠。你的问题就是鼠的特性。对应英文:Rats. Characteristics of your problem is the rat.

蛇钻窟窿--顾前不顾后。对应英文:The snake drill hole -- drive ahead without considering the consequences.

罢鸡钻草垛--顾头不顾尾 板凳上放鸡蛋--危险 半衣捅鸡窝--暗中捣蛋 报晓的公鸡--叫得早 抱鸡婆带娃娃--只管自家一窝 抱窝鸡带息--可忙啦 ../...对应英文:"Chicken drill Haystack - look ahead the rooster tail bench egg - danger half coat poke chicken coop - or - called the dark early. But their arms with dolls a nest of brooding hen with interest -- busy....

野鸡受惊后顾头不顾尾。准备一只比较亮的手电筒和一根长竹杆网圈,野鸡只能在夜里捉,因为电筒强光一照,它们什么也看不见,傻傻地睁大眼睛东张西望,特别好玩!文章太长,...对应英文:Our head regardless of tail pheasant. Prepare a bright flashlight and a long bamboo pole ring network, only in the night to catch the pheasant, because the torch light light, what they can't see, foolishly eyes to look around, especially fun! The article is too long,...

首先鼓励多用表扬教育 不建议过多使用批评教育 其次就是胡萝卜加大棒的教育方法对每个年龄段的人都适用 当然大棒不是家暴 简单的说就是奖惩结合 你可以分析下自己小孩...对应英文:First, encourage the use of praise education suggest not excessive use of criticism and education secondly is the carrot and stick approach to education for each age paragraph the person is of course the stick is not violence that is simple combination of rewards and punishments you can analyze their children...

你觉得真的没有人可以相信吗连你自己都信不过自己吗 你不要有懒惰的心情,这样会使自己跌入深渊里的。我也有同样的感受,因为我的记忆力很差,做了这件事,眨眼...对应英文:You really think no one can believe it even you trust yourself you don't have a lazy mood, it will make you fall into the abyss. I feel the same, because I have a poor memory, do this thing, the blink of an eye...


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