

国乱思良将对应英文:In the chaos, the good

有两种说法,你自己选择吧 国乱思良将,国安思良相 国乱思良相,家贫思良妻对应英文:There are two versions, you choose your own bar in stray thoughts of him, Si Liangxiang's national security chaos Si good, he thought a good wife

国家遭受了动乱才开始想到忠良的将领('门外韩擒虎,楼头张丽华'这样的,明显是想不起来,没治了),家境败落,经历大坎坷才回念起原来的结发夫妻。(陈世美就别说了,嘎嘎)对应英文:The country suffered unrest began thinking of loyal generals ('outside the Han Qinhu, Lou Zhang Lihua', is obviously do not want to, do not rule), family decline, has experienced the largest rough to recall the original husband and wife by the first marriage. (Chen Shimei stop, quack)

国乱思良将,国安思良相 国乱思良相,家贫思良妻对应英文:In the chaos, generals, Si Liangxiang's national security chaos thought good, he thought a good wife

下联 出处 国乱思良将国安思良相 人多好做事人少好过年 国乱思良将国安思贤相 人多好种田人少好过年 国难显忠臣家贫出孝子 路遥知马力日久见人心 ...对应英文:The source country disorderly think good Guoan Si Liangxiang many people do have the Spring Festival less good in disorderly thought good Guoan Si Xianxiang many farming people less good have the Spring Festival calamity was loyal gupin a filial son Luyao horse Time reveals a man's heart...

出处不大好找。意思很好理解。就是说人总是平时不注意准备和积累,大难临头或者事情紧急了才会想起。国家危难的时候,君主才思慕优秀的将领家庭贫困的时候,才想要找一个...对应英文:The source is not available. It is easy to understand. That is to say people are usually pay no attention to the preparation and accumulation, A great calamity is at hand. or something urgent to think. When the national crisis, the only regret when good general family poverty, just want to find a...

家贫思贤妻对应英文:He thought of a good wife

"国乱思良将,家贫思贤妻",这是《三国志》郭嘉传上的话。曹操打袁绍,吃了大败仗,于是想念郭嘉。对应英文:"The disorderly thought him, he thought a good wife", this is "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Guo Jiachuan on words. Cao Cao to Yuan Shao, eat a defeat, so miss Guo Jia.

出处不大好找。意思很好理解。就是说人总是平时不注意准备和积累,大难临头或者事情紧急了才会想起。 国家危难的时候,君主才思慕优秀的将领 家庭贫困的时候,才想要找一...对应英文:The source is not available. It is easy to understand. That is to say people are usually pay no attention to the preparation and accumulation, A great calamity is at hand. or something urgent to think. When the national crisis, the only regret when good general family poverty, just want to find a...

万事成蹉跎 铁肩担道义,妙笔著文章 国破思良将,家贫思贤妻 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重 久旱逢甘雨,他乡遇故知 吴楚东南坼,乾坤日夜浮 循序而渐进,熟读而精思 临难勿苟活,...对应英文:Everything into wasted morality, make the country broken, generals, he thought of a goose feather sent thousands of miles, courtesy light affective re welcome rain after a long drought, the great south land of Wu Chudongnan, and the night float orderly and progressive, and refined thinking familiar spot not to live,...

虏骑正披猖,闻鼓鼙而思良将 上都资捍卫,昌锋镝以建奇勋。  秉节之来,捍国卫民方倚舁 存仁而达,唁生吊死倍哀思。  重庆国民政府于同年月追赠为国捐躯的饶国华...对应英文:Krupp riding Pichang, smell good Gupi thinking are funded to defend, Chang Feng di Jian Qixun. Bing Festival, defend the country Weimin Fang Yiyu Cun Ren Da, condole students hanged times. The Chongqing national government in the same year Rao Guohua confer posthumously die for one's country...


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