

以小人之心对应英文:In the heart of the SIMS

何必城府深深,以小人之心度君子这腹?对应英文:Why is deeply shrewd, with little to drive a belly this?

多年后在白宫被介绍给约翰•肯尼迪,她以自己一个“小人物”、“女歌手”的敬畏之心握住了白人总统的手。对应英文:After years of being introduced to John Kennedy at the White House, to her a "little guy" and "female" heart of the fear held the white hand of the President.

何必城府深深,以小人之心度君子这腹?对应英文:Why is deeply shrewd, with little to drive a belly this?

多年后在白宫被介绍给约翰•肯尼迪,她以自己一个“小人物”、“女歌手”的敬畏之心握住了白人总统的手。对应英文:After years of being introduced to John Kennedy at the White House, to her a "little guy" and "female" heart of the fear held the white hand of the President.


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