

几十年如一日对应英文:Dozens of years like one day

几十年如一日,他始终把阅读看作自己生活的伴侣。对应英文:For decades, he always consider reading your life partner.

联合国几十年如一日致力于使人们摆脱贫穷。对应英文:The United Nations - and to make people out of poverty.

几十年如一日的创作中,李佩甫从未中断过对人性的研究,尤其是他的几部长篇作品中对人性的批判可谓一部比一部成熟,一部比一部有深度。对应英文:For decades, the creation of Li Peifu never interrupt the study of human nature, especially in some of his minister piece of human nature criticism is a than a mature, a than a deep.

联合国几十年如一日致力于使人们摆脱贫穷。对应英文:The United Nations - and to make people out of poverty.

令我吃惊的是,人们生活中年复一年、几十年如一日地运行着同样的剧本,而貌似从未意识到他们拥有选择权。对应英文:To my surprise, middle-aged people life year after year, dozens of years like one day to run the same script, and seems never realize that they have the option.

几十年如一日的创作中,李佩甫从未中断过对人性的研究,尤其是他的几部长篇作品中对人性的批判可谓一部比一部成熟,一部比一部有深度。对应英文:For decades, the creation of Li Peifu never interrupt the study of human nature, especially in some of his minister piece of human nature criticism is a than a mature, a than a deep.

我几十年如一日,给你提个醒:我生日到了该交保护费了!对应英文:For decades, I give you remind: my birthday it is time to pay protection money!

正是由于他们这种几十年如一日的清贫与奉献,他们当选为2008年“感动中国”十大人物之一。对应英文:It is because of their decades of poor and dedication, they elected in 2008, one of the ten characters "moved China".


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