

一切向钱看对应英文:Put their eyes on money

你不会愿意一切向钱看。对应英文:You don't want to put their eyes on money.

不能让“一切向钱看” 的思想滋长蔓延。对应英文:Can't let the thought of "money-oriented" growing spread.

可能会吸引一下现在正专注于微软或者苹果产品的程序员或者开发者的兴趣,因为“一切向钱看”。对应英文:Likely to attract a programmer is now focused on Microsoft or apple products or the developer's interest, because "put their eyes on money.

不能让“一切向钱看” 的思想滋长蔓延。对应英文:Can't let the thought of "money-oriented" growing spread.

我们不难看到,现在许多的中国女性追求西方的思想开放,性开放,享乐主义,一切向钱看。对应英文:We see not hard, now many Chinese women pursue the western open, open, hedonism, put their eyes on money.

可能会吸引一下现在正专注于微软或者苹果产品的程序员或者开发者的兴趣,因为“一切向钱看”。对应英文:Likely to attract a programmer is now focused on Microsoft or apple products or the developer's interest, because "put their eyes on money.

由于教育市场化与“一切向钱看”的社会现象的蔓延,使得当前学前教育民营化、产业化的倾向十分明显。对应英文:Because the education marketization and the spread of the "money-oriented" social phenomenon, makes the current pre-school education privatization, the tendency of industrialization is very obvious.

这种“一切向钱看”、把精神产品商品化的倾向,在精神生产的其他方面也有表现。对应英文:This spirit of "put money above all", the product commercialization tendency, and also on other aspects of mental production performance.

人们一直小心翼翼地将商业主义拒之校园之外,这样,无论是学校还是学生,都不会变成一切向钱看。对应英文:People have been carefully keep mercantilism outside campus, in this way, both the school and students, will not become money-oriented.

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