

又得浮生半日闲对应英文:Stop idle again

偷得浮生半日闲"这个词,查了查出处,可供了解. "偷得浮生半日闲",出自中唐李涉《题鹤林寺僧舍》(寺在镇江)...这才发觉自己在浮沉奔波的人生中,又得到半日清闲。以致终日奔...对应英文:Passing the day "this word, look at the source, can be used for understanding." stolen floating free half day ", from the Li She" question he Lin Siseng homes "(temple in Zhenjiang)... This just found himself in and about life, and semidiurnal idle. That day came...

因过竹院逢僧舍, 偷得浮生半日闲。 此诗是一首回环诗 宋代有人将诗文改为 偷得浮生半日闲,忽闻春尽强登山。 因过竹院逢僧话,终日昏昏醉梦间 偷得浮生半日闲。 意思...对应英文:By Zhu Yuan Feng sengshe, stolen floating free half day. The poem is a poem of Song Dynasty poetry circle will be changed to smell the flowers, smell the spring as strong mountain. By Zhu Yuan Feng monk, drunk all day long dream between passing the day. Meaning.

终日错错碎梦间,忽闻春尽强登山。因过竹院逢僧话,偷得浮生半日闲。意思就是从烦闷、失意中解脱出来,去到一个幽雅脱俗的地方,让身心得到修养。对应英文:All right and wrong of broken dreams, suddenly smell the spring as strong mountain. By Zhu Yuan Feng monk, stolen floating free half day. It is out of boredom, frustration, go to an elegant and refined place, let the body and mind get accomplishment.

因过竹院逢僧话,偷得浮生半日闲。"--《题鹤林寺僧舍》 唐 ·李涉。此本佳话。后某君登山谒寺,一僧呱噪势利要求题诗,某者遂将此诗剥皮而赠以嘲笑之"偷得浮生半日闲,...对应英文:By Zhu Yuan Feng monk, stolen floating free half day. "--" questions he Lin Siseng homes "Tang Lee. This story. After a man climbing Ye temple, a monk croak snobbery demands poem, a person took the peeling and donated to ridicule the "stolen floating free half day,...

终日错错碎梦间,忽闻春尽强登山。因过竹院逢僧话,偷得浮生半日闲。意思就是从烦闷、失意中解脱出来,去到一个幽雅脱俗的地方,让身心得到修养。对应英文:All right and wrong of broken dreams, suddenly smell the spring as strong mountain. By Zhu Yuan Feng monk, stolen floating free half day. It is out of boredom, frustration, go to an elegant and refined place, let the body and mind get accomplishment.

这才发觉自己在浮沉奔波的人生中,又得到半日清闲。以致终日奔走忙碌的人,在茫茫人海中浮沉,偶尔抽空闲散心,实为难得。对应英文:This just found himself in and about life, and get the semidiurnal idle. That day busy people, floating in the boundless huge crowd, occasionally to leisure trip, it is rare.

终日错错碎梦间,忽闻春尽强登山。因过竹院逢僧话,偷得浮生半日闲。这是原诗对应英文:All right and wrong of broken dreams, suddenly smell the spring as strong mountain. By Zhu Yuan Feng monk, stolen floating free half day. This is the original poem

"偷得浮生半日闲",出自中唐李涉《题鹤林寺僧舍》(寺在镇江)。"终日昏昏醉梦间,忽闻春尽强登山。因过竹院逢...这才发觉自己在浮沉奔波的人生中,又得到半日清闲。以致终日...对应英文:"Stolen floating free half day", from the Tang Li She "question he Lin Siseng homes" (temple in Zhenjiang). "Drunk all day long dream, suddenly smell the spring as strong mountain. By Zhu Yuan Feng... This just found himself in and about life, and semidiurnal idle. That day...

因过竹院逢僧话, 偷得浮生半日闲。 意思就是从烦闷、失意中解脱出来,去到一个幽雅脱俗的地方,让身心得到修养。 《题鹤林寺壁》。作者是唐代诗人李涉。这首诗有景有情...对应英文:By Zhu Yuan Feng monk, stolen floating free half day. It is out of boredom, frustration, go to an elegant and refined place, let the body and mind get accomplishment. "The crane temple wall". The author is a Tang Dynasty poet Li. This poem has a king...

因过竹院逢僧舍, 偷得浮生半日闲。 此诗是一首回环诗 宋代有人将诗文改为 偷得浮生半日闲,忽闻春尽强登山。 因过竹院逢僧话,终日昏昏醉梦间对应英文:By Zhu Yuan Feng sengshe, stolen floating free half day. The poem is a poem of Song Dynasty poetry circle will be changed to smell the flowers, smell the spring as strong mountain. By Zhu Yuan Feng monk, drunk all day long dream


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