

杀鸡给猴看对应英文:To scare others

猴子掰包谷--掰一个丢一个 杀鸡给猴看--杀一儆百对应英文:Monkey breaking corn - breaking a throw a monkey show, execute one as a warning to others

杀鸡儆猴"说的是杀掉鸡来吓唬猴子,比喻惩戒一个以警戒其余。 在耍猴人看来杀掉鸡的成本远远低于杀掉猴子...如果该死那是咎由自取,如果不该死硬给杀了不免冤屈。为了儆...对应英文:Punish someone as a warning to others "say is kill chicken to scare the monkey, a warning to the rest of metaphor punishment. The monkey people kill chicken is far less than the cost of kill damn monkey... If it is bring trouble to oneself, if not damn hard to kill not wrong. In order to watch...

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杀鸡给猴看是成语杀鸡儆猴的通俗解释 意思是 比喻用惩罚一个人的办法来警告别的人。 相传猴子是最怕见血的,驯猴的人首先当面把鸡杀给它看...对应英文:Monkey see is an idiom punish someone as a warning to others of the popular explanation is used figuratively to punish a man to the police to bid farewell to the people. Legend has it that the monkey is afraid to see blood, the monkey man was the first to kill chickens to read it...

杀一儆百对应英文:Execute one as a warning to others

" " -- ( )对应英文:"" - ()

楼上的 人家是问出处哦 中国古代故事 具体出处不详对应英文:Upstairs people ask source Oh China ancient story concrete is of unknown origin

相传猴子是最怕见血的,驯猴的人首先当面把鸡杀给它看,叫它看看血的厉害。才可以逐步进行教化。捉猴子的人就采用这杀鸡战术,不管它怎样顽强抗拒,只要雄鸡一声惨叫,鲜血...对应英文:Legend has it that the monkey is afraid to see blood, the monkey man was the first to kill chickens look to it, call it blood have a look. Can gradually to enlightenment. Catch the monkey people use this massage tactics, no matter how it stubborn resistance, as long as the cock a scream, blood...

对于这类死不悔改的猴子,除非枪毙了它,否则别说是杀鸡了,就是杀人它也改不了!对应英文:For this type of incorrigible monkey, unless the shot it, otherwise it is kill, kill it not change!

杀鸡儆猴   绳之以法,犯军令韩信斩殷盖。杀鸡儆猴,振军心枪毙韩复榘。   相传猴子是最怕见血的,驯猴的人首先当面把鸡杀给它看,叫它看看血的厉害。才可以逐步进行...对应英文:Punish someone as a warning to others restrain by law, make general Han Xinzhan Yin cover. Punish someone as a warning to others, vibrating the morale of the troops shot Han Fuju. Legend has it that the monkey is afraid to see blood, the monkey man was the first to kill chickens look to it, call it blood have a look. Can gradually...


  一位古人在山上抓了一只野猴子,希望这只野猴子帮他做点事,他把这只猴子用链子锁在自家门口,希望能给他看家,一天这个古人上山砍柴去了,结果有一天发现家里的鸡被狐狸给偷了几只去,很心痛,就跑去教训猴子,可是猴子却幸灾乐祸,在那里叫,这个猎户非常恼火,但又不知道该怎么办,第二次又是一样的,他把猴子打了一顿,可是无济于事.第三次出去发现鸡还是不停的被狐狸偷吃,眼看着鸡快被吃光了,只剩下几只了.猎人就想啊,还不如自己杀了吃,这天,他出去之前就在门口杀鸡吃,结果猴子看见猎人拿着刀子割鸡喉咙,怕的连忙用爪子遮住了眼睛,猎人想:这猴子怎么打都不怕,看来他怕杀鸡.所以在这以后,猎人每出山之前总做样子给它看,后来慢慢的猴子就不敢放肆了,就老老实实的给他看家了。 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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