

损人不利己对应英文:Roman is not selfish
五字成语“损人不利己损”的意思是“害别人对自己也没有好处”。  损人不利己    拼音: sǔn rén bù lì jǐ 简拼: srblj    近义词:  反义词:    用法:    解释: 〖解释〗损害别人对自己也没有好处。   出处: 〖出处〗鲁迅《书信・致曹聚仁》:“只有损人而不利己的事,我是反对的。”   例子: 〖示例〗   谒后语:    谜语:    成语故事:     相关成语   毫不利己,专门利人损人利己利己损人损人肥己损人害己损人益己损人不利己     




妒忌是不良心理,往往损人不利己。对应英文:Jealousy is bad psychological, often more than selfish.

贸易保护主义不仅会加大危机的严重程度,还会使危机持续更长时间,是损人不利己的行为。对应英文:Trade protectionism will not only increase the severity of the crisis, will cause the crisis continued for a longer time, is the behavior of the dog in the manger.

保守党决定反对一切借款减税行为,这就是典型的损人不利己。对应英文:Tory decided against tax cuts for all borrowing behavior, which is a typical. Dog in the manger

贸易保护主义不仅会加大危机的严重程度,还会使危机持续更长时间,是损人不利己的行为。对应英文:Trade protectionism will not only increase the severity of the crisis, will cause the crisis continued for a longer time, is the behavior of the dog in the manger.

保守党决定反对一切借款减税行为,这就是典型的损人不利己。对应英文:Tory decided against tax cuts for all borrowing behavior, which is a typical. Dog in the manger

在这些案例中,我们看到了人们是如何做出损人不利己的事情,他们浪费稀缺的资源仅仅为了惩罚羞辱他们的人。对应英文:In these cases, we have seen how people make the dog in the manger, and they waste scarce resources just to punish to humiliate them.

我劝你还是再考虑考虑,不要干那既损人又不利己的事。对应英文:I advise you to go to think about it, don't do that both Roman and not selfish.

散布这些谣言和企图破坏北京奥运会的人应该自省,不要做出损人也不利己的事情。对应英文:To spread these rumors and attempted to sabotage the Beijing Olympic Games should be introspection, don't make the dog in the also don't.

例如,几乎所有人(也有例外)都意识到一个基本的道德原则,即人不应当损人利己。对应英文:Almost all people (there are exceptions), for example, are aware of a basic moral principle, that people should not be beggar-thy-neighbour.

中欧美应坚持把共同利益的蛋糕做大,为其他国家的发展带来更多的机遇,而不应做损人利己、与邻为壑的事情。对应英文:In Europe and the United States should adhere to the common interests of big cake, bring more opportunities for the development of other countries, and should not do beggar-thy-neighbour, stuck with their neighbourhood.

1930年代一些国家曾选择关税而不只是“损人利己”地进行货币贬值。对应英文:In the 1930 s, some countries have alternative duties and not just "beggar-thy-neighbour" to devalue.


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