

万夫不当之勇,拼为wàn fū bù dāng zhī yǒng,形容非常勇敢。出自元·施君美《幽闺记·罔害璠良》。  万夫不当之勇   拼音: wàn fū bù dāng zhī yǒng 简拼: wfby   近义词: 万夫不当 反义词:    用法: 偏正式;作宾语;比喻非常勇敢   解释: 当:抵挡。一万个人也抵挡不住。形容非常勇敢。   出处: 元・关汉卿《单刀会》第一折:“想关云长但

南宫万曾拉车带母行里,不累等.....史称万夫不当之勇  周庄王十三年(前),鲁庄公在乘丘打败宋军,宋大夫南宫万被鲁庄公卫士活捉。经宋国人请求,南宫万被释放回国...对应英文:Nangong million had pulled the car with the parent line, not tired.... known as a match for ten thousand warriors the king of Zhouzhuang thirteen years (before), the Duke Zhuang of Lu defeated Song Jun in a mound, song doctor Nangong million was the Duke Zhuang of Lu guards. The song request, Nangong million were released to return home...

意思是抵挡 "万夫"在这里是表示人很多 所以万夫不当之勇的意思就是很多人也抵挡不住--形容非常勇猛。    【出处】元·施君美《幽闺记·罔害璠良》"此子六韬三略皆...对应英文:It is against the "in" is that many people so a match for ten thousand warriors means that many people could not resist - describe very brave here. [source] yuan Shi Junmei, "remember, he secluded boudoir harm pan Liang" "the art of war and books on that all...

赵云七进七出曹营,威武彪悍,有万夫不当之勇。对应英文:Zhao Yun seven into seven Cao Ying, mighty and tough, with a match for ten thousand warriors.

好像是张飞吧对应英文:Like Zhang Feiba

没错就是第一声对应英文:It is the first sound

赵云三国名将 项羽 国家大楚对应英文:Zhao Yun three star Xiang Yu state of Chu

关羽,张飞,赵云,典韦,对应英文:Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Dian wei,

不见得,刘裕当年不也一个人追着一千号人吗古代士兵很多都是强征的,士气差,遇到装备精良的勇将(尤其是骑兵)冲击溃退是很正常的。西方也有这种事,十字军有过几百名骑兵...对应英文:Not necessarily, Liu Yu did not have a man chasing one thousand people do ancient soldiers are forced, poor morale, have well-equipped hero (especially cavalry) shock rout is normal. The West also has this kind of thing, the Crusaders had hundreds of cavalry...

鄂焕。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。对应英文:E Huan.

上阵时,仗条浑铁点钢枪,杀到浓处,不时掣出腰间铁简,使的铮铮有声,端   的是有万夫不当之勇。   还没打过能吹嘘这么多字,兀颜光也是少有的几位之一了。想想大宋朝...对应英文:Battle, fight a muddy iron point a gun, into the thick place, from time to time when the waist iron Jane, to fly right and enjoy high reputation, the end is a match for ten thousand warriors. Haven't played can boast so many words, Wu Yan light is also one of the few. Think of the song dynasty...

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