

脱裤子放屁对应英文:Take off pants break wind

为了构建和谐社会,放屁就应该脱裤子,不管是在大庭广众之下还是私下。政府应该制定相应的法律法规,以后城管还有就多了一件重要而艰巨的任务,抓那些放屁不脱裤子的低素...对应英文:In order to build a harmonious society, we should take off pants fart, whether it is still privately in a public occasion. The government should formulate relevant laws and regulations, urban management and later had an important and arduous task, catch the fart don't take your pants off low pigment...

脱裤子放屁--多此一举对应英文:His pants -- make an unnecessary move

你不会又想引领一次放屁风潮吧,记得当年那屁可是影响深远,余臭未消啊…对应英文:You don't want to lead a fart agitation, remember the fart but far-reaching, residual odor disappeared...

从字面意思上说是先把裤子脱掉,然后放屁你想,你裤子能挡着屁吗脱掉裤子就成了多余的行为对应英文:Say from literal meaning is to put the pants off, and then fart you want, you can block the fart trousers do take off pants became superfluous act

多此一举对应英文:Carry coals to Newcastle

脱裤子放屁---多此一举对应英文:The pants off - make an unnecessary move

吃咸鱼蘸酱油---多此一举 脱裤子放屁--( 多此一举)对应英文:Eat salted fish sauce - make an unnecessary move to take off pants fart - (make an unnecessary move)

这个问题有点纠结,放屁干嘛要脱裤子,你见过谁放屁脱裤子了难道怕放屁蹦出屎对应英文:The problem to be tangled, why to fart pants, you who have seen a fart pants don't even fart jumped out of the shit

夏天放屁还会把你裤子烧个洞!所以你夏天千万别放屁!要放也记得得先脱掉裤子!对应英文:Summer fart will burn a hole in your trousers! So you summer don't fart! To put also remember to take off your pants!

脱裤子放屁,真的不好。污染环境更加直接,严重破坏臭氧层。得痔疮的概率大大增加。老脱裤子,裤子口上的扣子容易掉,缩短了裤子的寿命对应英文:The pants fart, not really good. The pollution of the environment is more direct, serious damage to the ozone layer. It greatly increases the probability of hemorrhoids. The old pants, pants on the buttons off easily, shorten the life of the trousers


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