

远水救不了近火对应英文:Far water does not put out near fire
远水救不了近火   拼音:    解释: 远距离的水熄灭不了就在附近的火。比喻缓慢的纠正或抵制邪恶的东西不可能应付紧急的状态。

如果象这样说,所有的紧收货币政策都是远水救不了近火。对应英文:If like this, said all the tight monetary policy are far water does not put out near fire.

中国的经济仍有希望保持增长,但是远水救不了近火,对于目前的金属市场并没有提振作用。对应英文:In China there is still hope to maintain economic growth, but far water does not put out near fire, for the metals markets and no boost.

远水救不了近火。对应英文:Far water does not put out near fire.

中国的经济仍有希望保持增长,但是远水救不了近火,对于目前的金属市场并没有提振作用。对应英文:In China there is still hope to maintain economic growth, but far water does not put out near fire, for the metals markets and no boost.

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