

恨铁不成钢对应英文:Hate iron not to produce
恨铁不成钢   拼音: hèn tiě bù chéng gāng 简拼: htbg   近义词:  反义词:    用法: 复句式;作宾语、定语、补语;比喻对所期望的人不争气感到不   解释: 形容对所期望的人不争气不上进感到不满,急切希望他变好。   出处: 清・曹雪芹《红楼梦》第96回:“只为宝玉不上进,所以时常恨他,也不过是‘恨铁不成钢’的意思。”   例子: 只为玉玉不上进,所以时常恨他

或许是出于恨铁不成钢的原因,球迷们在球队的名字上做到了简短。对应英文:Perhaps for reasons of hate iron not to produce the fans on the name of the team made it short.

基本上每个人小时候都会遭到父母痛打,不管是恨铁不成钢还是做坏事,不过,这也都会成为你记忆的一部分。对应英文:Basically everyone will beat up by parents as a child, whether hate iron not to produce or do bad things, however, this also will become a part of your memory.

爸爸,不管您打过我也好,骂过我也好,我知道都是为了我好,恨铁不成钢,我心里一点也不怪你,我要告诉您,您是我永远的好爸爸。对应英文:Dad, no matter you hit me, scold me all right, I know it's all good to me, hate iron not Angle, I don't blame you, I want to tell you, you are my forever good dad.

或许是出于恨铁不成钢的原因,球迷们在球队的名字上做到了简短。对应英文:Perhaps for reasons of hate iron not to produce the fans on the name of the team made it short.

基本上每个人小时候都会遭到父母痛打,不管是恨铁不成钢还是做坏事,不过,这也都会成为你记忆的一部分。对应英文:Basically everyone will beat up by parents as a child, whether hate iron not to produce or do bad things, however, this also will become a part of your memory.

爸爸,不管您打过我也好,骂过我也好,我知道都是为了我好,恨铁不成钢,我心里一点也不怪你,我要告诉您,您是我永远的好爸爸。对应英文:Dad, no matter you hit me, scold me all right, I know it's all good to me, hate iron not Angle, I don't blame you, I want to tell you, you are my forever good dad.

而在这个赛季剩下的几周中,赛事激烈。并且可能会以曼联夺得更多的奖杯,包括联赛冠军而结束,人们现在都转而对切尔西恨铁不成钢了。对应英文:And in a few weeks, the rest of the season competition fierce.

纵然我恨铁不成钢,希望我们中华民族早日屹立于世界之巅,总是说些批评的话,但是我们确实可以讲些积极的事情。对应英文:Even if I don't hate iron to produce, hope we are on the top of the Chinese people standing in the world at an early date, always say some criticism of words, but we can really say something positive.

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