

化腐朽为神奇对应英文:Changed decayed for magical
化腐朽为神奇   拼音: huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí 简拼: hfxq   近义词:   反义词:     用法:     解释: 神奇:神妙奇特的东西。变坏为好,变死板为灵巧,变无用为有用。   出处: 《庄子・知北游》:“腐朽复化为神奇。”   例子:     谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   化腐成奇化腐为奇化腐朽为神奇

但是真正的领导者往往能化腐朽为神奇。对应英文:But the real leader will often change decayed for magical.

智库教育说,大学入学的申请过程可以总结成一个固定的模式,马先生将其比作基因工程,他说,“我们就能化腐朽为神奇。”对应英文:Think-tank said education, college entrance application process can be summarized into a fixed model, genetic engineering, comparing it to Mr Ma, he said, "we can be changed decayed for magical."

这化腐朽为神奇、偶然间的陶器制作,正好与人类历史上其他伟大的发展相呼应。对应英文:This change decayed for magical, accidentally pottery making, as it happens and other great development in human history.

这化腐朽为神奇、偶然间的陶器制作,正好与人类历史上其他伟大的发展相呼应。对应英文:This change decayed for magical, accidentally pottery making, as it happens and other great development in human history.

智库教育说,大学入学的申请过程可以总结成一个固定的模式,马先生将其比作基因工程,他说,“我们就能化腐朽为神奇。”对应英文:Think-tank said education, college entrance application process can be summarized into a fixed model, genetic engineering, comparing it to Mr Ma, he said, "we can be changed decayed for magical."

所以魔术都有第三个步骤,最难的部分,我们称之为“化腐朽为神奇”。对应英文:So magic has the third step, the hardest part, we call it "change decayed for magical.

粗布驼色裤可以化腐朽为神奇地给沉重的冬季衣柜增添生机,也可以给你全身的搭配带来亮点。对应英文:Bold camel trousers can be changed decayed for magical to add vitality to heavy winter wardrobe, also can bring your whole body to the collocation of window.

1994年,他开始制造摩托车,化腐朽为神奇,把一个破产的国有制造厂转变成中国最大的私有企业之一。对应英文:In 1994, he started making motorcycles, changed decayed for magical, transforming a bankrupt state-owned manufacturer into one of the largest private enterprise in China.

神能化腐朽为神奇,让这些名誉扫地的人成为耶稣的先祖。对应英文:God can change decayed for magical, let the reputation of the ancestors of Jesus.

这一吻,虽然谈不上惊天动地,也足可以化腐朽为神奇,我分明感到萧然的身体在我怀里颤抖。对应英文:The kiss, though not great, also can be changed decayed for magical, I clearly feel, bare body trembling in my arms.

你也就可以化腐朽为神奇,让一次淡味无趣的购物成为一生难以忘记的回忆。对应英文:You also can be changed decayed for magical, make a mild boring shopping life difficult to forget the memories.

我相信人本善良,这次如果能够化腐朽为神奇,那是相互的宽容;对应英文:I believe human kind, if this can be changed decayed for magical, that is mutual tolerance;

而这茶场主人的路数倒是我很欣赏的,他可以化腐朽为神奇,你看这破澡缸居然成了荷花池。对应英文:The tea master 'way is I appreciate, he can be changed decayed for magical, you see this broken bath crock become a lotus pond.

最难的步骤,我们称之为“化腐朽为神奇”。对应英文:The most difficult step, we call it "change decayed for magical.

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