

井水不犯河水对应英文:Rule out

他和希腊总理乔治帕潘得里欧关系不错,而和前任克斯塔斯卡拉曼利斯则井水不犯河水。对应英文:And he and the Greek prime minister George papandreou relationship is good, and former Knox, costas karamanlis rule out.

约定与配置并不是井水不犯河水,因为可以使用约定来指定明确的默认值,使用配置来覆盖约定。对应英文:Agreement and configuration is not rule out, because you can use agreed to specify a default value, using the configuration to cover.

思科之前与惠普、IBM及戴尔有着紧密的伙伴关系,使得彼此间都达成某种井水不犯河水的默契,就是说服务商供应商只盯住服务器,而思科则把关注的重点维持在网络上。对应英文:Before cisco, HP, IBM and dell has a close partnership, makes it into some sort of rule out the tacit understanding, each other is service provider only on the server, and cisco is to focus on the network.

他和希腊总理乔治帕潘得里欧关系不错,而和前任克斯塔斯卡拉曼利斯则井水不犯河水。对应英文:And he and the Greek prime minister George papandreou relationship is good, and former Knox, costas karamanlis rule out.

约定与配置并不是井水不犯河水,因为可以使用约定来指定明确的默认值,使用配置来覆盖约定。对应英文:Agreement and configuration is not rule out, because you can use agreed to specify a default value, using the configuration to cover.

思科之前与惠普、IBM及戴尔有着紧密的伙伴关系,使得彼此间都达成某种井水不犯河水的默契,就是说服务商供应商只盯住服务器,而思科则把关注的重点维持在网络上。对应英文:Before cisco, HP, IBM and dell has a close partnership, makes it into some sort of rule out the tacit understanding, each other is service provider only on the server, and cisco is to focus on the network.

冲突双方彼此之间本来处于一种松散的联盟关系,和过度政府间也是井水不犯河水,这在一定程度上成功的把索马里青年军限制在他们的活动区域之外。对应英文:Both sides in the conflict between each other in a loose alliance, and also between excessive government rule out this success to some extent the Somali youth restricted areas outside of their activities.

把道德跟事业分得清清楚楚,认为是井水不犯河水。对应英文:To receive a clear moral and a career that is rule out.

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解释:比喻各管各的,互不相犯。 出处:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六十九回:“我和他‘井水不犯河水’,怎么就冲了他?” 示例:~,怎的开发他的先生?况且素无仇冤,你该怎的? ★清·李绿园《歧路灯》第五十六回 井水不犯河水 【简明汉英词典】one should care his own business  

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