

死无葬身之地对应英文:Die a terrible death
死无葬身之地                   sǐ  wú  zàng  shēn  zhī  dì 〖解释〗死了没有地方埋葬。形容惨死或严厉的惩罚。

如果婚姻是爱情的坟墓,没有婚姻就是死无葬身之地。对应英文:If marriage is the grave of love, no marriage is death without a graveyard.

我不能眼睁睁的看着你们有危险而无动于衷啊,还好他没有伤害你们,要不然我一定让他死无葬身之地!对应英文:I can't helplessly looking at you of the danger and unmoved, well he didn't hurt you, or else I will let him die a terrible death!

有人说,婚姻是爱情的坟墓,但要是没有了婚姻,爱情岂不是死无葬身之地。对应英文:Some people say that marriage is the grave of love, but without marriage, love is not die a terrible death.

如果婚姻是爱情的坟墓,没有婚姻就是死无葬身之地。对应英文:If marriage is the grave of love, no marriage is death without a graveyard.

我不能眼睁睁的看着你们有危险而无动于衷啊,还好他没有伤害你们,要不然我一定让他死无葬身之地!对应英文:I can't helplessly looking at you of the danger and unmoved, well he didn't hurt you, or else I will let him die a terrible death!

有人说,婚姻是爱情的坟墓,但要是没有了婚姻,爱情岂不是死无葬身之地。对应英文:Some people say that marriage is the grave of love, but without marriage, love is not die a terrible death.

凡夫俗子们虽然只能听天由命,但他们最为惧怕的不是活着的苦难,而是“死无葬身之地”。对应英文:Everyman although only in god's hands, but they are most afraid of is not alive, but to "die a terrible death."

婚姻治愈了爱情的偏执的妄想,也埋葬了爱情;没有婚姻,爱情死无葬身之地。对应英文:Cured the paranoid delusions of love, marriage also buried the love;

俗语死无葬身之地sǐ wú zàng shēn zhī dì是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/262.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

明·王世贞《鸣凤记·写本》:“相公坚执如此,夫妇死无葬身之地矣!” 〖示例〗

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