

所见即所得对应英文:What you see is what you get

内容用简单的“所见即所得”编辑器处理,任何人都能使用。对应英文:Content with a simple "wysiwyg editor," anyone can use.

文本以所见即所得格式显示,这样,就可以容易地看出格式是否正确地得到应用。对应英文:Text displayed in a wysiwyg format, in this way, you can easily see that format is applied correctly.

看来应该要有一个博客写作软件,可以做文字处理,具备所见即所得的功能的专门为博客写作的软件。对应英文:View should have a blog writing software that can do word processing, has the function of the wysiwyg specifically for blogging software.

这是一个没有所见即所得(WYSIWYG)或复杂预览功能的纯编辑器。对应英文:This is a not what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) or complex preview function of pure editor.

内容用简单的“所见即所得”编辑器处理,任何人都能使用。对应英文:Content with a simple "wysiwyg editor," anyone can use.

该方法支持所见即所得,应用环境没有特殊性,方便了用户使用。对应英文:This method supports wysiwyg, no special application environment, convenient for users.

拖动和放下,所见即所得的工作空间让你轻松添加和自定义表单元素。对应英文:Drag and drop, wysiwyg workspace allows you to easily add and custom form elements.

恰好那时期的所见即所得系统发现了它们的不足。对应英文:Just during that period of wysiwyg systems found them.

典型的应用包括邮件合并、PDF创建、文档转换或所见即所得的字处理等。对应英文:Typical applications include mail merge, PDF creation, document conversion or wysiwyg word processing, etc.

为了证实他们是所见即所得,NASA科学家们向六位没有接触该项空间工程的地质专家讨教经验。对应英文:In order to confirm they are what you see is what you get, the NASA scientists to six experience of a half-dozen geological experts have no contact with the space project.

同时,为了更好地实现大坝安全监测,尝试设计了若干内观仪器三维模型,建立数据库,以所见即所得的方式为工作人员提供参考。对应英文:At the same time, in order to better realize the dam safety monitoring, try to design a number of vipassana instrument three-dimensional model, set up the database, by what you see is what you get for the staff to provide the reference.

用数码摄影机的话,所得即所见。对应英文:Using a digital camera, income is seen.

文本以所见即所得格式显示,这样,就可以容易地看出格式是否正确地得到应用。对应英文:Text displayed in a wysiwyg format, in this way, you can easily see that format is applied correctly.

看来应该要有一个博客写作软件,可以做文字处理,具备所见即所得的功能的专门为博客写作的软件。对应英文:View should have a blog writing software that can do word processing, has the function of the wysiwyg specifically for blogging software.

用户界面是完全所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的,这帮助减少表单的最初设想与最终实现之间的差异。对应英文:The user interface is completely what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG), which helps to reduce the form as originally envisioned and eventually realize the differences between the.

第一批主要应用表格布局的“所见即所得”网页设计软件的发展助长了表格的应用。对应英文:The first layout of the main application form "wysiwyg" web design software has contributed to the development of application form.

伪所见即所得编辑器提供了最舒适的环境,作者无须担心 XML 语法(请参阅图 3)。对应英文:Pseudo wysiwyg editor provides the most comfortable environment, the authors do not need to worry about the XML syntax (see figure 3).

为什么,在我年轻时,我们没有优秀的所见即所得编辑器。对应英文:Why, when I was younger, we don't have good wysiwyg editor.

由于它们使用颜色、黑体字和其它排版属性来模仿能处理 XML 内容的字处理器,因此被称为“伪所见即所得”。对应英文:Because they use color, boldness and other typographic attributes to imitate a word processor can handle XML content, so called "wysiwyg".

这个方法将为我们提供 WYSIWYG(“所见即所得”)的建议。对应英文:This method will provide us with WYSIWYG (" what you see is what you get ").

它是唯一具有以下功能的博客编辑器:所见即所得编辑,完全的本地编辑,完全的博客导入。对应英文:It is the only blog editor has the following functions: wysiwyg editor, entirely local editors, completely blog import.

如果您从未尝试过伪所见即所得编辑器,那么劳驾一下,请立即下载评估版本。对应英文:If you never tried pseudo wysiwyg editor, so excuse me, please download the evaluation version immediately.

我们服务器上跑着一个“所见即所得”的在线商店编辑器,用起来却和桌面应用没啥差别。对应英文:We run on the server with a "wysiwyg" online store editor, use and desktop applications do not have what difference.

所见即所得的应用程序模式已经成为标准;它显示什么,打印出来就是什么。对应英文:The wysiwyg application model has become the standard.

第一阵营是采用一个所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的编辑器比如Dreamweaver来设计和发布网页。对应英文:The first camp is to use a WYSIWYG (WYSIWYG) editor such as Dreamweaver to design and publish a web page.

Zoundry Raven是一种先进的全功能的所见即所得编辑器,发博更容易和更快。对应英文:Zoundry Raven is an advanced full-featured wysiwyg editor, bo easier and faster.

从一定意义上说,Blueprint 提供了真正的所见即所得的(WYSIWYG)网页设计,因为您的原型将使用与最终站点相同的代码。对应英文:In a sense, the Blueprint provides true what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) web page design, because your prototype will use the same as the final site code.

我们的开发环境包含一个 “所见即所得(what-you-see-is-what-you-get,WYSIWYG)” 图形表单构建器。对应英文:Our development environment contains a "WYSIWYG (what you see - is - what - you get, WYSIWYG)" graphical form builders.

GEF 建立于本地 Eclipse 图形化工具集 SWT 之上,以使得开发一个图形化编辑器或者所见即所得文本编辑器更为容易。对应英文:GEF builds on local Eclipse SWT graphical tool set, to develop a graphical editor or wysiwyg text editor easier.

微软Accesss为数据库的创建提供一个简单的所见即所得的界面。对应英文:Microsoft Accesss to database created to provide a simple wysiwyg interface.



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