

吃错了耗子药对应英文:Eating the wrong ratsbane

肠,在家里操作自己无法掌握好肥皂水的量和浓度.如果猫中毒时间比较长,那毒物可能已经进入血液了,这时不但需要去医院洗胃和灌肠,还需要输入大量的葡萄糖盐水帮助代谢排...对应英文:Intestinal, operation quantity and concentration themselves unable to grasp the soapy water at home. If the cat poisoning time is long, the poison may have entered the blood, then only need to go to the hospital gastric lavage and enema, also need to input glucose saline extensive help generation Xie pai...

我家狗以前就差点药死,吃了买来药酒缓过来了。药的名字忘记了。。。。你去兽药店一说人家就会知道是什么药了。。希望你家的狗狗能好起来。对应英文:My dog had almost kill, had bought the wine. Drug name forgotten.... You go to the drug store that others will know is what medicine.. Hope your dog to be better.

催吐的方法 .先用肥皂水实施催吐,相对安全,而且效果也不差。 .可以使用双氧水催吐,但是双氧水有强氧化性,一定要严格控制使用量。一般按照的比例稀释。服用双氧水...对应英文:Emetic method. First with soap water emetic, relatively safe, but the effect is not bad. . can use hydrogen peroxide to vomit, but hydrogen peroxide has strong oxidizing, must strictly control the use amount. Generally in accordance with the proportion of dilution. Taking hydrogen peroxide...

快带它们去看兽医呀、打针吃药 估计可以活过来的、抓紧时间就医吖、对应英文:Take them to the vet medicine ah, estimated to be alive, seize the time to treatment,

看吃进去的量了,基本同意他们说的,但是最好多少都去医院看看清洗一下肠胃。对应英文:Can eat quantity, basically agree with what they say, but how many will go to the hospital to have a look the best cleaning stomach.

当然不能吃 老鼠药一般成分都含有磷 磷是剧毒的 当然 含量很小也许不会死人 但同样也是致癌的对应英文:Of course, can not eat the general composition containing phosphorus is highly toxic and of course content is very small may not dead but also carcinogenic

我看见过一只狗吃耗子药。就是口吐白沫,四处乱撞,眼睛没有神~~ 最后侧躺在地上,脚一直是奔跑的状态。乱蹬~!~~反正看样子很痛苦,持续的时间也挺长的~~对应英文:I saw a dog eat rat poison. Is foaming at the mouth, rattling around, eyes without God ~ ~ the last side lying on the ground, the foot has been running state. Pedalling ~! ~ ~ I looked very pain, duration is long

猫本来就喜欢抓耗子,你的该不是吃了中毒的耗子吧,要是那样就赶紧去医院吧,或者灌肥皂水催吐对应英文:The cat would like to catch a mouse, you should not be eating poisoned mouse, if so hurried to go to the hospital, or pouring soapy water emetic

一包就能死,干吗,不要告诉我你想自杀或是杀人哦,呵呵对应英文:A package can die, why, don't tell me you want to Dutch act or kill Oh, ha ha

无论哪种方法也都是有风险的,而且如果毒药吃多了,怎么的也就不回来,楼主试试吧。对应英文:Regardless of which method are also risky, but if the poison to eat more, and it won't come back, you try it.


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