

出多少汗吃多少饭对应英文:The number of meals eaten much sweat

如果没有自己的奋斗,就没有成功后的成就感。这样才能觉得活着是有意义、有价值的。对应英文:If do not have their own struggle, there is no sense of achievements. So that we can feel alive is meaningful, valuable.

但要控制食量,不要多吃,最好是小碗米饭,大鱼大肉少吃,多吃些青菜。对应英文:But to control appetite, do not eat, it is best Steamed Rice about small bowl, eat less, eat more vegetables.

它既可以单独出现,也可发生于多种疾病的过程中。"汗为心之液",若病人出汗太多或自汗、盗汗的病程持续时间过久,将导致精气耗伤,出现精神倦怠、脸色苍白、四肢乏力、...对应英文:It can be appearing alone, also can occur in the course of many diseases. "Sweat liquid heart", if the patient too much sweating or sweating, night sweats duration is too long, will cause the energy consumption, mental burnout, pale, limb weakness,...

只要锻炼都出汗,肌肉收缩消耗,细胞呼吸产生二氧化碳和水。吃晚饭后运动队身体不好,饭后人体处于消化吸收状态,运动状态相对的减少和降低,(相当于血液大部分流经于...对应英文:As long as the exercise sweating, muscle contraction in consumption, cell respiration produces carbon dioxide and water. After dinner sports team is not in good health, after digestion and absorption of body in motion state, a state of relative reduce and reduce, (equivalent to most of blood flows through...

去咨询医生吃些药就行,肾是人的根本,肾一旦匮乏就会出汗多,乏力,睡眠质量下降,建议你早点去咨询下,吃些药就好了~对应英文:Consult a doctor just take some medicine, kidney is one of the fundamental, renal once lack will sweat more, fatigue, decreased sleep quality, I suggest you go to consult, take some medicine is good

滴自己的汗, 吃自己的饭, 自己的事情自己干, 靠人靠天靠祖上, 不算是好汉. ---陶行知对应英文:Drop their own sweat, eat their meals, do their own thing, people rely on day by ancestors, not a hero. --- Tao Xingzhi

怀孕后,体温是比平时温度要高的,正是这样,妈妈也容易便秘。因此要注意及时补充水分,多吃水果和青菜,饮食要平衡。对应英文:After pregnancy, body temperature is higher than normal temperature, so it is, my mother can easily constipation. Therefore, in time to pay attention to add water, eat more fruits and vegetables, to eat a balanced diet.

肺主肃降,肺功能强热气一定下走,头上出汗是肺不能制热使下。 你还有可能脾气不太好。不过,这些充其量是亚健康,不治疗也可以的。 一定要治疗还是去医院,找个中医好好...对应英文:The main pulmonary lung function descending, strong heat must go, head sweating is not heating the lung. You may also not very good temper. However, these are at best sub health, no treatment can also be. Must be treated or go to the hospital, to find a good chinese...

大众得吃饭,     大众的事大众干,     若想一个人包办,     不算是好汉。对应英文:The public to eat, a public matter mass stem, to any individual, not a hero.

没有什么事情是你自己不能干的,没有那件事情是别人要帮你干的,自己的事情就要自己做,等别人帮,还不如自己努力去自己完成。对应英文:No matter what is not your own, not the things of others is to help you, our own thing to do, and others help, also as their own efforts to do.


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