

打掉门牙往肚里咽对应英文:Knocked out teeth to swallow

此句出处于他在湖南招募湘军时,被当地官员的排斥与污辱,他只能忍让。意思是比喻被人打落了牙,也只能把牙和血一起吞下去。 还有个故事 曾国藩》一书中,湘勇攻克武昌...对应英文:This word comes from him in Hunan recruited Xiangjun, rejected and insulted by local officials, he can only tolerate. Mean metaphor was knocked off the tooth, can only use teeth and blood swallow together. There is a story of Zheng Guofan "in one book, Xiang Yong conquered Wuchang...

卧底力气大,打我,然后哗啦一声.我的门牙掉了.一张嘴,特像兔爷。 算起来我吃亏了,可我因为种种原因(比如怕人嘲笑我力气小)不想让别人知道,因为看起来是公平的,把牙吐出...对应英文:Undercover strength, hit me, and then crashed. My front teeth fell out. A mouth, like together. So I suffer, but for various reasons (such as being laughed at my strength is small) do not want to let others know, because it is fair, the tooth out...

乙力气大,打甲,甲的牙掉了。 算起来甲吃亏了,可甲因为种种原因(比如怕人嘲笑他力气小)不想让别人知道,因为看起来是公平的,把牙吐出来别人就知道了,只好直接把掉了的...对应英文:B big strength, hit a, a teeth fall out. Is a loss, but for various reasons (such as a terrible laugh at him a small effort) do not want to let others know, because it is fair, his teeth out others knew, had to put off...

掉门牙肚里咽--有苦说不出有苦难诉对应英文:Out front Swallow -- have cannot say painstakingly suffering v.

打柴的不能跟放羊的走 、打倒不如说倒 、打灯笼找不着 、打掉门牙往肚里咽 、打狗还得看主人 、打虎不成反被虎伤 、打酒向提瓶子的要钱 、打开窗户说亮...对应英文:Firewood can't go down rather than sheep, inverted, lantern could not find, knock teeth to swallow, the dog will have to see the master, the tiger was not anti tiger injury, to make money, buy wine bottle opened the window and said brightly...

打倒不如说倒 、打灯笼找不着 、打掉门牙往肚里咽 、打狗还得看主人 、打虎不成反被虎伤 、打酒向提瓶子的要钱 、打开窗户说亮话 、打开天窗说亮话 、...对应英文:Down down, rather than playing lanterns can not find, knock teeth to swallow, the dog will have to see the master, the tiger was not anti tiger injury, to make money, buy wine bottle, open the window it, frankly speaking,...

打不着野狼打家狗 打柴的不能跟放羊的走 打倒不如说倒 打灯笼找不着 打掉门牙往肚里咽 打狗还得看主人 打虎不成反被虎伤 打酒向提瓶子的要钱 打开窗户说亮话 打开天窗...对应英文:Not a wolf dozen dog firewood can't go down rather than sheep would hit the lantern can not find out front tooth to swallow the dog will have to see the master tiger was not anti tiger injury to the bottle wine money to open the window it open...

打不着野狼打家狗 打柴的不能跟放羊的走 打倒不如说倒 打灯笼找不着 打掉门牙往肚里咽 打狗还得看主人 打开天窗说亮话 打破砂锅问到底 打瞎子,骂哑巴 打一巴掌,给个甜...对应英文:Not a wolf dozen dog firewood can't go down rather than sheep would hit the lantern can not find out front tooth to swallow the dog will have to see the master frankly speaking give the third degree to the blind, scold the dumb a slap in the face, give a sweet...

打柴的不能跟放羊的走 打倒不如说倒 打灯笼找不着 打掉门牙往肚里咽 打狗还得看主人 打虎不成反被虎伤 打酒向提瓶子的要钱 打开窗户说亮话 打开天窗说亮话 打破砂锅问...对应英文:Firewood can't go down rather than sheep would hit the lantern can not find out front tooth to swallow the dog will have to see the master tiger was not anti tiger injury to the bottle wine money to open the window it frankly speaking inquisitor asked...

打柴的不能跟放羊的走 打倒不如说倒 打灯笼找不着 打掉门牙往肚里咽 打狗还得看主人 打开天窗说亮话 打破砂锅问到底 打瞎子,骂哑巴 打一巴掌,给个甜枣 打肿脸充胖子 ...对应英文:Firewood can't go down rather than sheep would hit the lantern can not find out front tooth to swallow the dog will have to see the master frankly speaking give the third degree to the blind, scold the dumb a slap in the face, give a sweet date bluffing...


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