

打酒向提瓶子的要钱对应英文:The wine bottle to raise money

打酒向提瓶子的要钱 --打开窗户说亮话对应英文:The wine bottle to put money -- open the window it

很多瓶子都是回收之后做假酒的。做的假酒卖的很贵呢。对应英文:Many bottles are recycled after a holiday. Do alcohol sold very expensive.

以前是收元/套,现在是元/套,但是不知道在什么地方卖。对应英文:Before is the yuan / sets, is now yuan / sets, but do not know in what place to sell.

假如是单瓶的酒的话,应该是葵花地方茅台!价格应该在以上以下!但是你光瓶子卖给收藏的估计也就左右!而卖给造假酒的最少也能卖到以上!对应英文:If it is a single bottle of wine, should be the sunflower local Moutai! The price should be in the above! But you light bottles sold of estimates is about! And sold false wine at least can sell more than!

重新包装~~~弄假酒对应英文:Re Package ~ ~ ~ get fake

不建议卖茅台瓶子啊!收瓶子的都是造假酒的。如果你自己喝茅台酒,就是增加了自己喝道假茅台的机率啊!对应英文:Do not recommend to sell Moutai bottle ah! The bottles are false wine. If you drink Moutai wine, is to increase the probability of false Moutai themselves'!

瓶子不值钱,但盒子上的金属商标能卖元。对应英文:The bottle is not valuable, but metal trademark on the box could sell yuan.


不建议卖茅台瓶子啊!收瓶子的都是造假酒的。 如果你自己喝茅台酒,就是增加了自己喝道假茅台的机率啊!对应英文:Do not recommend to sell Moutai bottle ah! The bottles are false wine. If you drink Moutai wine, is to increase the probability of false Moutai themselves'!

便宜的几十块,贵的上万块对应英文:Dozens of pieces of cheap, tens of thousands of pieces of expensive


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