

打如意算盘对应英文:To reckon without one's host

我告诉他不要蛋尚未孵化就数小鸡儿(打如意算盘)。对应英文:I told him not to eggs unhatched chick (call number reckon without one's host).

只希望这些人打错了如意算盘。对应英文:Only hope that these people wrong reckon without one's host.

为了将利率决定与金融稳定问题区别开来,伯南克重新打起了格林斯潘时代的如意算盘。对应英文:In order to distinguish rate decision and financial stability issues apart, Bernanke has Greenspan era reckon without one's host.

为了将利率决定与金融稳定问题区别开来,伯南克重新打起了格林斯潘时代的如意算盘。对应英文:In order to distinguish rate decision and financial stability issues apart, Bernanke has Greenspan era reckon without one's host.

那么,要是你以茱莉的身端在梦里徜徉,那是不是在打如意算盘呢?对应英文:So, if you take Julie's body to roam in the dream, the Is it right? Playing reckon without one's host?

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