

到什么时候说什么话对应英文:What to say something

超惊喜的哦! 这种神奇变色杯,平日里没有什么奇怪的。当她用来喝热水的时候,你写在杯子上的话或照片就显出来了。当她喝完水,温度冷去,你说的话,又渐渐消失了。 超柔照...对应英文:Surprise! The magic color cup, on weekdays not what strange. When she used to drink water, you write in the cup on the words or pictures are manifest. When she finished water, the temperature of cold to go, you said, and gradually disappeared. Super soft light...

负荆请罪续写 蔺相如的话传到了廉颇的耳朵里,廉颇觉得很后悔,就脱下战袍,背上荆条,到蔺相如门上请罪。 廉颇来到蔺相如的府上,家丁见了马上通报给蔺相如说"报~~~!大人...对应英文:To continue to offer a humble apology words of Lin Xiangru Lian Po's ears, Lian Po feel regret, took off his shirt, on the back of Vitex negundo, to Lin Xiangru the door to apologize. Lian Po came to Lin Xiangru home, the servant saw immediately reported to the Lin Xiangru said "report ~ ~ ~!...

离开的时候彩虹褪了颜色我的窗前缠绕着寂寞哀愁一地洒落这一季的烟火没有照亮我只为别人闪烁离开的时候 有些话没亲口说再多的承诺 未来也难预测孤单的自由 没有想像中...对应英文:When leaving the rainbow faded my window around the lonely sad a shining this season's fireworks not light up only when others flicker leave some words did not say any more promises for the future is difficult to predict the lonely freedom did not imagine...

爱好啦,生活习惯啦,希望对象什么样之类的。如果实在找不到共同话题就随便说说自己平时的事情啥的,当然到最后还是要讲讲自己的性格啦,爱好啦,生活习惯啦,希望对方是什么...对应英文:Hobbies, living habits, hope what objects such as. If it can't find a common topic to talk about their usual things what, of course to the end or to talk about their own personality, hobbies, living habits, want what the other side is...

最好"我爱你"剩下的么就是些称赞的话比如"你好性感""做的我好舒服"。或叫她(他)的名子、最好是你两的闺中秘名、就是叫坏小孩,坏丫头、对方都会美的屁癫屁癫的!祝你"性...对应英文:The best "I love you" the rest is some praise words such as "Hello sexy" "do I feel good". Or call her (he) name, it is best you two's secret name, is called the bad, bad girl, the other will beauty fart fart epilepsy epilepsy! Wish you "...

财富。只要你真正的想和别人打成一片,总会发现属于自己的方法的,其实这种事每个人都有自己的独到之处,可以参考参考,但毕竟不同的方法,不同的人用会产生不同的效果,所...对应英文:Wealth. If you really want to and others become integrated with, will find their own approach, in fact, that everyone has their own one's own knack in, can refer to the reference, but after all, different methods, different people will have different effects, the...

许褚冷,好冷啊, 张飞实在是杀不动了... 张辽真没想到 赵云难道这就是失败的滋味吗 甄姬悼良会之永诀兮,哀一世而异乡。 周瑜既生瑜何生.. 诸葛亮知天易,逆天难...对应英文:Xu Zhu cold, cold ah, Zhang Fei is killed not move... Zhang Liaozhen Zhao Yun did not expect is that the taste of defeat you Zhen Ji Xi Liang will mourn farewell, a world and a cry. Zhou Yu, Yu Sheng both He Sheng.. Zhu Geliang know Tianyi, guards difficult...

我们的新郎,要比平时任何一个时候更感受到幸福,更显得英俊潇洒,而我们的新娘要比平时任何一个时候更感到内心的激动,更显得楚楚动人和漂亮温柔。此时此刻,我想还有两对...对应英文:Our groom, than usual at any one time more happiness, more handsome, and our bride than usual at any one time feel more excitement, more lovingly pathetic and beautiful gentle. At the moment, I think there are two pairs of...

刺激这个问问那女的想听什么对应英文:To stimulate this ask what the woman wants to hear

.女我愿意嫁给你,么么。 男我愿意一辈子疼你,么么。 .男(女)老公(老婆),我们永不分离,白头到老。 .男我愿意一生一世呵护你,不离不弃。 女我愿意一生陪伴你,...对应英文:. female I will marry you, ". I want to love you for a lifetime of men, ". Male (female). The husband (wife), we never separate, reach old age. I am willing to protect you. Man one's whole life, never abandon. I will stay with you for life,...


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