

点腊烛不知油价对应英文:Light candles if oil prices

形容只知道享受却不知道努力和付出对应英文:Describe only know how to enjoy but don't know the work and pay

号汽油 .元/升 号汽油 .元/升 号汽油 .元/升 号柴油 .元/升对应英文:Gasoline. Yuan / liter gasoline. Yuan / liter gasoline. Yuan / liter diesel. Yuan / liter

大家对成品油价上调的预期非常大,一是因为近日国际油价持续上涨另外一方面中石化的老总估计最迟月号油价会有所上调。 国家发改委有关部门今天明确表示,近期不会上...对应英文:Everyone expected the refined oil price increase is very large, one is due to the recent international oil prices continued to rise on the other hand, Sinopec executives estimate the latest month, prices will increase. The national development and Reform Commission departments today made it clear that, not the recent...

*.元 除.元!对应英文:*. Yuan yuan in addition!

经过验证的省油十三招 第一招、确保轮胎气压正常。不足或气太足都会增加油耗量,建议定时检查轮胎气压。 第二招、想好路程再上路。不要走冤枉路。 第三招、不要随意更...对应英文:After the validation of the fuel-efficient thirteen strokes first move, to ensure the normal tire pressure. Insufficient or too full gas will increase fuel consumption, suggestion regularly check the tire pressure. Second strokes, the road again like a good way. Don't go astray. Third, do not arbitrarily more...

油价高不是只有广州,全国都一样。 至于广州不让骑电动车,听个故事吧-- 古代大臣进谏皇帝民间疾苦啊,老百姓饭都吃不上了皇帝说饭都吃不上吗老百姓为什么不吃肉呢 ...对应英文:High oil prices not only in Guangzhou, the whole country. As for Guangzhou not to ride electric vehicles, listen to a story -- the ancient minister's admonishing emperors the sufferings of the people ah, people eat not the emperor said meal can not you why people don't eat meat...

得理不让人 得了便宜卖乖 得饶人处且饶人 低头不见抬头见 地在人种,事在人为 点腊烛不知油价 爹死娘嫁人,各人顾各人 丁是丁,卯是卯 顶风臭十里 丢下嘴里的肉,去等河里...对应英文:Manages not to let people get cheap Maiguai be lenient wherever it is possible not bow to see the rise in the race, Human effort is the decisive factor. point candles if oil prices father dead mother married, dog eat dog Ding Shiding, Mao is the bases against smelly ten leave the meat in his mouth, to the river...

中石化中石油的貌似没了,号涨价前还有,现在不知道,等我看到了再说 玉泉路到八宝山地铁,南到吴家村路,这个四方形状区域里大概有个私人,涨价前最低的一个在吴家村路...对应英文:Sinopec oil in the seemingly no, No. before the price increase also, now do not know, I saw it from Yuquanlu Road to Babaoshan subway, Ng Ka Tsuen Road to the south, the square shape area may have a private, before prices lowest in Ng Ka Tsuen road...

报纸上写 明天降毛。。。。对应英文:The newspapers wrote down hair tomorrow....

应该是,元每升,油耗不止是看排量……,排量的每百公里应该是,左右吧!如果是旧车,另当别论对应英文:Should be, yuan per liter, fuel consumption is more than a look at discharge...... Every hundred kilometers, emissions should be, or if it's old, another matter


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