

端人家碗受人家管对应英文:End of pipe bowl by other people

端人家的碗,就是吃人家的饭,你吃人家的饭能不服人家管吗 比喻下级就必须遵守上级的管理。对应英文:End their bowl, is to eat their food, you eat their food may people Guan Ma likened subordinates must abide by the superior management.

"端起碗来吃肉,放下筷子骂娘"是改革开放后出现的特殊现象。经过改革开放,大家的生活水平得到了提高,从原来的吃不饱吃不好到现在可以吃肉了。但大家并不满足,对*政*府...对应英文:"From a bowl to eat meat, put down his chopsticks maniang" is a special phenomenon appears after the reform and opening up. After the reform and opening up, people's living standard has been improved, from the original eat good enough to eat to can now eat meat. But we are not satisfied, the government...

我知道这鱼来之不易,而老班长却把这仅有的鱼给我们吃,自己只吃草根和鱼骨头,想到这,我的心情十分沉重,我们不愿意喝下这鱼汤,不愿意让老班长挨饿对应英文:I know this fish be not easily won, but the old monitor is the only fish for us to eat, they eat only grass and fish bones, think of this, my mood is very heavy, we don't want to drink the soup, not willing to let the old monitor


我端起搪瓷碗,觉得这个碗有千斤重,怎么也送不到嘴边 这句话是当"我"知道这些来之不易的食物,是老班长为了救我们忍饥挨饿弄来的后,我不忍心自己喝鱼汤。"千斤重"是用夸...对应英文:I end up enamel bowl, like the bowl of a heavy, how also can not send to say this sentence is when "I" know this be not easily won the food, old monitor in order to save our hungry to get, I can't bear to drink soup. "Heavy" is the use of praise...

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

不是比喻句、是夸张句。以此来表达【我】对老班长宁愿自己不愿一点好的东西、把这些好的东西却让【我们】吃。无法以言语表达的思想感情对应英文:Not the metaphorical sentences, sentence is exaggerated. In order to express the [i] to old monitor rather than a bit of good things, these good things but [we] food. Unable to express thoughts and feelings

因为有的地方有的家庭觉得吃饭端碗像乞丐,但是有的并不觉得端碗有什么不妥,端起碗吃饭不是更方便吗,动物吃饭的时候就不端碗,是吧 所以说呢,吃饭端不端碗,得看你自己...对应英文:In some places because of some families feel that eating bowl like a beggar, but some do not feel what is wrong with the bowl, pick up the bowl to eat more convenient than any animal, when you misconduct bowl, it is so say, eat end DUANWAN not, depends on your own...

实在不愿意看着老班长忍饥挨饿,也实在不希望看到老班长的身体一天天衰弱下去,所以觉得手中的搪瓷碗有千斤重,怎么也送不到嘴边。对应英文:Really do not want to see the old monitor hungry, really do not want to see the old monitor body weaker, so that the hands of the enamel bowl of one thousand pounds, how also can not send it to his mouth.

我个人理解是,这个人家庭条件困难(或者是个集体),仅有的吃的东西盛在搪瓷碗里。。当别人把这仅有的东西让给体虚的她时,她很激动,感慨万千。所以觉得这个碗有千斤重,...对应英文:My own understanding, this family conditions are difficult (or a group), eat only served in enamel bowl.. When people put the only things to deficiency of her, she was very excited, be filled with a thousand regrets. So I think this bowl of one thousand pounds,...


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