

胳膊肘往外扭对应英文:Elbow outward torsion

甘蔗没有两头甜 赶鸭子上架 赶早不赶晚 敢怒不敢言 刚出狼窝,又入虎口 胳膊拧不过大腿 胳膊肘往外扭 隔墙有耳 隔行如隔山 各打五十大板 各人的梦各人圆 给个棒棰就当...对应英文:No two sweet sugar cane drive a duck onto a perch sooner rather than later began just out of the frying pan, and into the hand arm twist but thigh elbow outward torsion beware of eavesdroppers! 隔行如隔山 hit fifty strokes of the cane in his dream each round to a battledore when...

维持稳定。至于,创伤性肩关节脱位的治疗则分两方面来说在急性期,也就是第一次脱臼发生时,以往都是使用保守关节复位术后就"静观其变〃,但是对于年轻人及爱好运动患者...对应英文:Maintain the stability. As for the treatment of traumatic dislocation of shoulder joint, is divided into two aspects in the acute stage, which is the first dislocation occurs, the past is to use conservative joint reduction after the "wait and see", but for young people and sports loving patients...

休息多点时间 推荐药品筋骨痛消丸 还可以我现在在吃(我腰伤) 外敷的就用云南白药就了,,不打石膏 比完了在说 最好不去比 比赛的时候出现以为就不好了 身体最重要!明...对应英文:More rest time recommended drug Jingu Tongxiao pills can also I am eating (my waist) externally with Yunnan Baiyao on, not finished in plaster, than say it is best not to match when thought is not good the most important Ming body...

节连接部分损伤,恢复极慢,甚至比骨折还慢,你最好完全养好后在玩,同时可以吃三七片,或者外敷一些贴剂消炎对应英文:Joint damage, recovery is very slow, even slower than the fracture, you'd better keep well after playing completely, also can eat three seven, or with some patches of anti-inflammatory

封闭治疗,效果很好。对应英文:Closed treatment, the effect is very good.

缺钙,缺乏锻炼。最主要的是缺钙。对应英文:Calcium deficiency, lack of exercise. The most important is a calcium deficiency.

赶早不赶晚 、敢怒不敢言 、刚出狼窝,又入虎口 、胳膊拧不过大腿 、胳膊肘往外扭 、隔墙有耳 、隔行如隔山 、各打五十大板 、各人的梦各人圆 ...对应英文:This sooner rather than later, you could do anything, just out of the frying pan, and enter a tiger's mouth, arm twist but thigh, the elbow to twist, beware of eavesdroppers!, an interlacing as foster, hit fifty strokes of the cane, every man's dream all round...

敢怒不敢言 、刚出狼窝,又入虎口 、胳膊拧不过大腿 、胳膊肘往外扭 、隔墙有耳 、隔行如隔山 、各打五十大板 、各人的梦各人圆 、给个棒棰就当...对应英文:You could do anything, just out of the frying pan, and enter a tiger's mouth, arm twist but thigh, the elbow to twist, beware of eavesdroppers!, an interlacing as foster, hit fifty strokes of the cane, every dream, every circle to a battledore when...

敢怒不敢言 刚出狼窝,又入虎口 胳膊拧不过大腿 胳膊肘往外扭 隔墙有耳 隔行如隔山 各打五十大板 各人的梦各人圆 给个棒棰就当针 给脸不要脸 功到自然成 恭敬不如从命...对应英文:Dare not just out of the frying pan, and into the hand arm twist but thigh elbow outward torsion beware of eavesdroppers! 隔行如隔山 hit fifty strokes of the cane in his dream each round to a battledore when the needle to face shame on you Constant effort yields sure success if you insist...

累死也无功甘蔗没有两头甜赶鸭子上架赶早不赶晚敢怒不敢言刚出狼窝,又入虎口胳膊拧不过大腿胳膊肘往外扭隔墙有耳隔行如隔山各打五十大板各人的梦各人圆给个棒棰就当针...对应英文:Show no work no two sweet sugar cane drive a duck onto a perch sooner rather than later began just out of the frying pan, and into the hand arm twist but thigh elbow outward torsion beware of eavesdroppers! 隔行如隔山 hit fifty strokes of the cane in his dream each round to a battledore when needle...


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