

狗耷拉舌头不干鸡跷脚干对应英文:The dog did not stem the chicken foot dry tongue

其内容是在空气湿度比较大而温度又比较高时狗会耷拉着舌头用来散热。这预示着天将下雨。 鸡跷脚是指鸡跷脚准备梳理羽毛,预示着天气将会晴天。对应英文:Its content is in the air with high humidity and temperature and relatively high dog will his tongue to heat. This indicates that it is going to rain. The chicken foot is refers to the chicken foot to grooming, indicates that the weather will be sunny.

学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。(《礼记》)   百川东到海,何时复西归少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。(汉乐府《长歌行》)   百学须先立志。(朱熹)   宝剑锋从磨砺出...对应英文:Learning, questioning, careful thinking, the discriminating, practice. ("book of Rites") all rivers run east into the sea, when to resume seogui An idle youth a needy age. (Han Yuefu "long line" hundred schools must be first determined). (Zhu Xi) Bao Jianfeng from sharpen out...

我看书真专心,好安静。花美得高高仰着头,草静得没有呼吸,树乐得不知该往哪里晃,在风中不停地唱着"莎莎,莎莎"。对应英文:I read a book really attentive, so quiet. Flower beauty HISTEP head, grass still not breathing, tree he didn't know where to sway in the wind, can't stop singing "Sasa, Sasa".

拟人,比喻对应英文:Personification, analogy

寒冬腊月,天多冷。鸭冻得躲在笼里不肯出来,猫冻得直守在火炉边,乌鸦冻得不知如何是好,在枯枝上不停地哆嗦着"丫丫,呀呀"抄袭者死,完全原创对应英文:Severe winter, cold. Duck frozen to hide in the cage and refused to come out, the cat freeze continuously to keep the fire crow, cold do not know what to do, in the litter kept trembling "Ya Ya, Ya Ya" copycat death, completely original

腊月,天多冷。人冷得不停地跺脚,猫冷得钻热被窝,老鼠冷得不知如何是好,对应英文:The twelfth lunar month, cold. A cold kept stamping, cold hot drilling cat mouse cold bed, I don't know what to do,

.鸡热得耷拉着翅膀,狗热得吐出舌头,蝉热得不知如何是好,在树上不停地叫着"知了,知了"。腊月,天多冷。燕儿冷得群起南飞,树冷得在风中颤抖,蛇冷得休眠而避,在洞中也只能...对应英文:The heat was drooping wings. Chicken, dog spit hot tongue, cicada hot I do not know what to do, in the tree cried constantly "cicadas, cicada". The twelfth lunar month, cold. Too cold to fly south, tree shivering cold in the wind, the snake cold dormancy and avoid, in the cave only...

泼一盆水到地上,干渴的大地一下子就吮吸得干干净净。满街都是背心、赤膊,人恨不得钻到冰箱里。天气是那样...小狗热得吐出舌头不停地喘气。 夏天的太阳像个大火炉,把大地...对应英文:Poured a basin of water to the ground, the thirsty earth suddenly sucked clean. The streets are vest, naked, people hate not drill into the fridge. The weather is so... Dog spit hot tongue keeps gasping for breath. The summer sun like a furnace, the earth...

泼一盆水到地上,干渴的大地一下子就吮吸得干干净净。满街都是背心、赤膊,人恨不得钻到冰箱里。 天气是那样...小狗热得吐出舌头不停地喘气。 夏天的太阳像个大火炉,把大地...对应英文:Poured a basin of water to the ground, the thirsty earth suddenly sucked clean. The streets are vest, naked, people hate not drill into the fridge. The weather is so... Dog spit hot tongue keeps gasping for breath. The summer sun like a furnace, the earth...

.鸡热得耷拉着翅膀,狗热得吐出舌头,蝉热得不知如何是好,在树上不停地叫着"知了,知了"。 腊月,天多冷。燕儿冷得群起南飞,树冷得在风中颤抖,蛇冷得休眠而避,在洞中也只...对应英文:The heat was drooping wings. Chicken, dog spit hot tongue, cicada hot I do not know what to do, in the tree cried constantly "cicadas, cicada". The twelfth lunar month, cold. Too cold to fly south, tree shivering cold in the wind, the snake cold dormancy and avoid, also only in the cave...


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