

官不大僚不小对应英文:Officer small Liao not small

就是官职不高,俸禄不少,钱比较多对应英文:Is the official salary is not high, many, more money

所谓"官僚",是由二部分人组成的,一为"官",二为"僚"。晚清三大名臣曾国藩、左宗棠、李鸿章,左、李二人均当过曾国藩的幕僚,后来都抓住了机遇,由"僚"成功转型为"官",且权...对应英文:The so-called "bureaucratic", is composed of two parts, one for the "official", "Liao". The three official Zheng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Li Hongzhang, Li left, two per capita as Zheng Guofan's chief of staff, and later to seize the opportunity, by the "Liao" the successful transition to the "official", and the right to...

狗眼看人低 狗嘴吐不出象牙 挂羊头卖狗肉 官不大,僚不小 官船漏,官马瘦 光许愿,不烧香 贵人多忘事 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无对应英文:Act like a snob dog mouth spit no ivory cheat officer is not small, Liao Guan Chuan leakage, Guan Ma thin light wish, do not burn incense Great wits have short memories. there can not harm the heart, the heart can not be without

"官"是指掌握公共权力并有一定职位的人叫做"官",而"僚"则是指为"官"出谋划策之人,如"幕僚"、"智囊"和"私人顾问"等。 共同点是官和僚总是为各自利益相互寄存,相互寄托,...对应英文:The "official" refers to public power and have certain person called "officer", and "Liao" refers to as "officer" who give advice and suggestions, such as "chief of staff", "intelligence" and "private adviser" etc.. The common point is the official and Liao always for their respective interests are hosting, mutual sustenance,...

在衙门里做事的人,有官、有僚、有吏。官就是正职,即长官僚就是副职,即僚属吏就是办事员。对应英文:Work in a government office, official, Liao, an official. Officer's job, namely the long bureaucratic's deputy, that is his official clerk.

吏则"不入流",由长官自己"辟召",身份其实是民。也就是说,官僚都是"国家干部",吏却只好算作"以工代干"。他们是官府中的"服役人员",其身份与衙役(更夫、捕快、狱卒之类)...对应英文:Officials are "not into", by Sir "to summon", identity is actually the people. That is to say, the bureaucrats are "national cadre", officials have had to be "work on behalf of the stem". They are the official "service personnel", their identity and the officer (bellman, detective, the jailer etc.)...

通过国家选拔后由吏部任命的官员称为官,无论是科举还是察举或者九品中正中的定品 官是有品级的,除了中央以外,地方上的"官"是很少的,大多数都是吏 以明朝为例,中了举人...对应英文:Through the national selection by the official department appointed officials said the official, whether the fixed official examination or the appointment or do CKS are grade, in addition to outside the central, the local "official" is very few, most are officials to the Ming Dynasty as an example, in the tree...

.看看这个是不对应英文:Have a look this is not

官僚主义这个词的意思,想来大家都知道个大概。为示严谨,我专门查了《辞海》,里面这样解释"指脱离实际、脱离群众、做官当老爷的领导作风。如不深入基层和群众,不了解...对应英文:The word bureaucracy mean, want everyone know about. In order to show the rigorous, I check the specialized "Ci Hai", which refers to explain "divorced from reality, from the masses, overlords style of leadership. If not deep into the grassroots and the masses, do not understand...

许多政治家即使已辞世多年,但其影响力至今仍在发挥当中。 官僚,古代,官和僚是两种不同身份的人,僚一般在官手下或门下,未必有过人的长远的政治头脑,但能够处理一定事务...对应英文:Many politicians even have died many years ago, but its influence is still in play. Bureaucracy, ancient, officers and bureaucrats are two different identities, Liao in general officer's gate, not necessarily outstanding long-term political mind, but can handle some matters...


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