

光许愿不烧香对应英文:Light not wishing to burn incense

就是光口头上说给你(神仙)多少好处,然后呢不出血(就是不烧香),不愿意出钱、出力。你就知道是怎么回事了。对应英文:Optical head is said to you (gods) much good, then no bleeding (just don't burn incense), is not willing to pay, output. You'll see what is going on.

僚不小 官船漏,官马瘦 光许愿,不烧香 贵人多忘事 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无对应英文:Liao little officer ship leakage, Guan Ma thin light wish, do not burn incense Great wits have short memories. there can not harm the heart, the heart can not be without

呵呵,心诚则灵!佛,信而诚则有之,信而无求是为信,信而有求则为迷信。信佛要虔诚,并不是因为愿望才信的。当然多烧点香还是挺好的,对自己的心灵有帮助,有助于更虔诚!对应英文:Oh, you! Buddha, faith and honesty is a letter, without seeking for the letter, the letter and asked for the superstitious. The Buddha to be pious, not because the desire to believe. Of course many burning incense is good, to help your heart, help more devout!

完全可以去寺院烧香拜佛 许愿及还愿  女人从十二三岁.至四十八九岁.皆有月经。有谓当月经时.不可礼拜持诵.此语不通情理。月经短者.二三日即止.长者六七日方止。修持...对应英文:Can go to the temple to burn incense and pray vows and votive women from twelve or thirteen years old. To 4089. Have menstruation. A predicate when menstruation. Do not worship the chanting of this unreasonable. Menstrual short. Two or three, six or seven. The elderly Japanese check. Practice...

保佑,利用求签、问卜、降灵、牵亡、扶鸾、牲供、许愿等方法,以达到与鬼神沟通的目的。佛教不主张类似的行为。 民间信仰是诸神杂糅的,藈院蠹从腥濉⑹汀⒌廊滩⑹眨...对应英文:Bless, pray, use my, Whitsunday, holding, flying phoenix, and wishing for, and other methods, to achieve the purpose of communication with spirits. Buddhism does not advocate similar behavior. The folk belief is mixed, Kui Institute beetle from fishy Sui ⑹ Ting, gallery beach I blink...

官不大,僚不小 、官船漏,官马瘦 、光许愿,不烧香 、鬼迷心窍 、贵人多忘事 、锅大勺有准 、孩子哭了,抱给他娘 、害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无 ...对应英文:The officer who is not, not a small boat leaks, Liao officer, officer Ma Shou, light incense, wishing, not be possessed by ghosts, Great wits have short memories., pot spoon with quasi, the baby's crying, holding to his mother, there can not harm the heart, the heart can not be without...

不管三七二十一 不见棺材不落泪 不见兔子不撒鹰 不见真佛不烧香 不进山门不受戒 不经一事,不长一智 不看僧...僚不小 官船漏,官马瘦 光许愿,不烧香 鬼迷心窍 贵人多忘事 ...对应英文:Regardless of the consequence disappear coffin not to shed tears could not withdraw eagle does not see the true Buddha not to burn incense and not into the gate is not ordained Wisdom comes from experience. not see monk... Liao little officer ship leakage, Guan Ma thin light wishing incense, not be possessed by ghosts Great wits have short memories...

僚不小 官船漏,官马瘦 光许愿,不烧香 鬼迷心窍 贵人多忘事 锅大勺有准 孩子哭了,抱给他娘 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无【歇后语】百尺竿头挂剪刀--高才(裁)百川归海...对应英文:Liao little officer ship leakage, Guan Ma thin light wishing incense, not be possessed by ghosts Great wits have short memories. pot spoon with quasi child cried, holding to his mother there can not harm the heart, the heart can not be without [proverbs] make still further progress hanging scissors - high (CD) All rivers flow to the sea...

各人的梦各人圆,地在人种,事在人为 ,功到自然成 。但如果光许愿不烧香,干打雷不下雨 ,说得天花乱坠,吃饭想撑死,干活怕累死,那么必将一事无成。活着就是要不吃馒头争...对应英文:Every man dreams his round, in the race, Human effort is the decisive factor., Constant effort yields sure success. But if the light not wishing to burn incense, do not rain storm, spoke as if it were raining flowers, want to eat Chengsi, work even exhausted, then will be without a single success. To live is not to eat Steamed buns for...

僚不小 官船漏,官马瘦 光许愿,不烧香 鬼迷心窍 贵人多忘事 锅大勺有准 孩子哭了,抱给他娘 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无对应英文:Liao little officer ship leakage, Guan Ma thin light wishing incense, not be possessed by ghosts Great wits have short memories. pot spoon with quasi child cried, holding to his mother there can not harm the heart, the heart can not be without


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