

唱对台戏对应英文:With a countermeasure
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    chàng duì tái xì
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为什么你会请竞争者,谁会和你唱对台戏直接销售呢?对应英文:Why would you please competitors, who would you with a countermeasure of direct sales?

各国刚从银行危机中走出,对于是否应该维持刺激方案,以免世界经济再陷衰退,卡梅隆强调,他不是要和奥巴马唱对台戏。对应英文:Countries after the banking crisis, whether should maintain stimulus, lest the world another recession, Cameron stressed, he is not going to Obama with a countermeasure.

各国刚从银行危机中走出,对于是否应该维持刺激方案,以免世界经济再陷衰退,卡梅隆强调,他不是要和奥巴马唱对台戏。对应英文:Countries after the banking crisis, whether should maintain stimulus, lest the world another recession, Cameron stressed, he is not going to Obama with a countermeasure.

对民主人士,我们要让他们唱对台戏,放手让他们批评。对应英文:The Democrats, we should make them with a countermeasure, let them criticism.

他总是和我唱对台戏,气得我要命。对应英文:He and I are always with a countermeasure, gas to kill me.

他们同我们唱对台戏。对应英文:They're with a countermeasure.

她很少在看戏或者在外晚餐的时候大喊大叫跟你唱对台戏。对应英文:She seldom in the theatre or make a hullabaloo about outside the dinner with you with a countermeasure.

他似乎对自己的论点确信无疑,但是我故意跟他唱对台戏把他搞糊涂。对应英文:He seemed very sure of his arguments, but I deliberately confuse him with a countermeasure with him.

所以,每个月都有戏剧公演,每逢节日更加热闹,甚至搭起台子唱对台戏。对应英文:So, every month there is a drama performance, every day more lively, and even set up table with a countermeasure.

诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿玛蒂亚•森(Amartya Sen)说,“ 老是跟市场唱对台戏,就像别人说话你老唱反调一样令人奇怪。”对应英文:Nobel laureate Amartya Sen (Amartya Sen) said, "always with the market with a countermeasure, like others speak you as strange old tune."

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