

撑死胆大的饿死胆小的对应英文:Support dead bold starve timid

但大盘的走势不是那个人或机购能看透的,这不今天大盘大涨,上周周阳线,还在盼着在点介入的就后悔吧,我在月日就大胆进入了.对应英文:But the market trend is not that person or machine purchase can see, this is not the market today, rose, last week the week line, still looking forward to the point of intervention will regret it, I in March boldly enter

"撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的"这一词条,便成了很多人对追求欲望的激励和对平庸者表示鄙视的口头禅。好像只要胆子大,就能使膨胀的欲望得到满足,让别人刮目相看,成为时代的宠...对应英文:"Support dead bold, starve the term timid", became a lot of people on the pursuit of desire and look down on the pet phrase that encourage mediocrity. As long as the courage, can make the expansion desire fulfilled, let people sit up and take notice, become a new pet...

撑死胆大的饿死胆小的………… 活下来的都是没胆的………对应英文:Support dead bold starve timid............ To live is no bile.........

发财了,当初想和他一起干却又怕被抓的,称之为胆小的人。却饿着肚子。胆大的发了财,胆小的只有看的份。 反面例子。只供你理解意思,勿学。对应英文:Be rich, and he wanted to work together but afraid of being caught, called a coward. But hungry. The bold fortune, only to see a timid. A negative example. Only you understand the meaning, not to learn.

发财了,当初想和他一起干却又怕被抓的,称之为胆小的人。却饿着肚子。胆大的发了财,胆小的只有看的份。反面例子。只供你理解意思,勿学。对应英文:Be rich, and he wanted to work together but afraid of being caught, called a coward. But hungry. The bold fortune, only to see a timid. A negative example. Only you understand the meaning, not to learn.

胆大的,高风险,高回报,,得到的就多 胆小的,就低风险,低回报,就有可能饿死。对应英文:Bold, high risk, high return, there were many, timid, low risk, low return, it may starve to death.

车到山前必有路 扯淡 陈芝麻烂谷子 撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的 成人不自在,自在不成人 成事不足,败事有余 成者王侯败者贼 秤杆离不开秤铊 秤有头高头低 秤铊虽小压千斤 吃...对应英文:Car to the front there is road. Chen sesame lousy millet support dead bold, starve timid adult uncomfortable, comfortable not adult spoil, spoil everything into the thief, Wang Hou has Tougaotoudi steelyard small pressure jack eat cannot balance thallium scale...

什么是撑死什么是饿死 如果单纯理解为个人成就的大小,那么这句话完全正确。 但如果理解为一个人的精神状态,那么此话有以偏概全之嫌。 从来就没有谁能定义完美生活...对应英文:What is death starve if what is understood as a simple personal achievements of the size, so it is very correct. But if understood as a person's mental state, so it is Overgeneralization too. Never who can define the perfect life...

话是说的没错 俗话说 狭路相逢勇者胜 但感觉是比较冒险的做法 有些还是要有谋略的 三思而后行 尽量全面考虑后果 避免到时候手忙脚乱惊慌失措对应英文:It is said that as the saying goes, meet on on a narrow path brave victory but the feeling is more risky practices some still have a strategic look before you leap to fully consider the consequences of avoiding and act with confusion be confound at

要辩证的看,有一些道理。做事要果断,敢想敢干,但是用到某些地方,运气好就发了,要不就关小黑屋了对应英文:To the dialectical perspective, there is some truth. Act decisively, and used, but in some places, the luck good hair, or shut the little black house


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