

吃定心丸对应英文:To continue to eat

有了这笔资金,我就算吃了定心丸。对应英文:With the money, if I eat this.

丹佛坐在后门侧边的木架上,吃了定心丸,正起身要走,突然看见一张黑男孩子的嘴巴,满口衔着硬币。对应英文:Denver sat on the wooden door of the side, eat this, it got up to leave, suddenly saw a black boy's mouth, mouth with a coin.

唯一的长期解决方案是发行一种新型债券,由欧元区17个国家一起担保,这将保证欧元的存续,给市场吃下定心丸。对应英文:The only long-term solution is to issue a new bond, the 17 euro zone countries, together with the guarantee, which will ensure the survival of the euro, the market to eat assurance.

丹佛坐在后门侧边的木架上,吃了定心丸,正起身要走,突然看见一张黑男孩子的嘴巴,满口衔着硬币。对应英文:Denver sat on the wooden door of the side, eat this, it got up to leave, suddenly saw a black boy's mouth, mouth with a coin.

唯一的长期解决方案是发行一种新型债券,由欧元区17个国家一起担保,这将保证欧元的存续,给市场吃下定心丸。对应英文:The only long-term solution is to issue a new bond, the 17 euro zone countries, together with the guarantee, which will ensure the survival of the euro, the market to eat assurance.

纽约的穆迪信用评级公司首席经济学家马克·赞迪说:“为了让商人去外边雇一些人,决策者们是时候该给他们吃些定心丸了。”对应英文:Moodie of New York credit Rating firm chief economist Mark Zandi said: "in order to allow traders to go out and hire people, policymakers is the time to give them some reassurance."

因此,这份内部调查结果的出台,同时也会给SEC吃颗定心丸。对应英文:Therefore, the results of an internal investigation into the issue, but also to the SEC to eat a reassurance.

虽然该法在补偿和许多其他问题上模糊不清,但官员们盼望它会给该国不断壮大的中产阶级吃一颗定心丸。对应英文:The law is vague on compensation as well as on many other issues, but officials hope it will give the country's growing middle class a reassurance.

其次,这是华盛顿巧妙地给日本吃了一颗定心丸。对应英文:Secondly, this is Washington skillfully to Japan to eat a reassurance.

这可能给金正日吃下一剂定心丸,因为他知道日韩两国不太可能阻止中国政府对朝的支援。对应英文:This may give Kim Jong Il eat a dose of reassurance, because he knows that South Korea and China may not stop China government support for the.

蓝军还有一点小麻烦就是巴拉克的伤,但是埃辛在周二国家队的表现给老穆吃了一颗定心丸。对应英文:The Blues have a little trouble is the injury to Barack, but Essien on Tuesday the national team's performance to Mourinho had a reassurance.

根据当地最低工资情况,将规定缴费基数的最高限额,这让一些企业吃了一颗定心丸。对应英文:According to the local minimum wages, will set a maximum limit of base pay, it makes some enterprises had a reassurance.

如果在野的日本民主党能成功解决这次紧急事件,这就给日本选民吃了一颗定心丸,这个新科执政党比对手自民党更加值得信赖。对应英文:If the opposition Democratic Party of Japan can successfully solve this emergency, this gave the Japanese voters had a reassurance, this new ruling party is more reliable than the ldp.

现有土地承包关系保持稳定并长久不变,给农民吃长效“定心丸”。对应英文:The existing land contract relations remain stable and unchanged for a long time to eat "reassurance, farmers long-term".

这两个组织在5月10日宣布了一项规模更大的稳定计划,旨在支持欧洲其它负债的经济体,不啻使全球骚动不安的债券和股票市场吃了一颗定心丸,至少短期如此。对应英文:The two group announced an even larger stabilization plan in May 10th, to back other indebted European economies, as the global turmoil in bond and stock markets in a reassuring, at least in the short term.

为了遏制这一势头,欧盟内部有人提出,应扩大现有救助机制的规模和使用范围,给投资者吃下一颗定心丸。对应英文:In order to curb the momentum, the EU has been proposed, should expand the scale of the existing relief mechanisms and the use scope, eating a reassurance to investors.


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