

吃着碗里的望着锅里的对应英文:Eat a bowl of looking at the pot

也不能这样说吧,我觉得至死不渝的爱情是不存在的,两个人在一起的时间长了,当初的新鲜感渐渐变成了熟悉,少了当初的激情,成为了今天的平平淡淡。但是这并不代表着没有感...对应英文:Can not say, I think will never change until death love does not exist, two people together for a long time, the original fresh gradually become familiar with, without passion, became today's light. But this does not mean that there is no sense of...

出 处清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》十六回"那薛老大也是'吃着碗里瞧着锅里'的。"对应英文:The Qing Cao Xueqin "a dream of Red Mansions" Sixteen "boss Na Xue is' eating a bowl to look at the pot'. "

成语就是吃着碗里、看着锅里 字面意思吃着碗里的食物,心里惦记着下一份在锅里的食物。 比喻意义比喻贪心、不知足,有贪得无厌之意。 百度能查对应英文:Idiom is eating a bowl, looked at the pot literally eat a bowl of food, think of a food in the pot. Figurative figurative greedy, insatiable, have be insatiably avaricious. Baidu can check

字面意思是说,自己碗里还有吃的,但边吃还在边看着锅里还有的。但是一个不太贬意的词语,偏中性。对应英文:Literally says, his bowl and eat, but eat still watching the pot still. But a less pejorative words, neutral.

我个人觉得应该是得陇望蜀 下面是这个成语的典故,楼主可以看一下。 出处 《后汉书·岑彭传》"人苦不知足,既平陇,复望蜀,每一发兵,头鬓为白。" 陇指甘肃一带蜀指四...对应英文:I personally think that should have insatiable desires here is the story of this idiom, the landlord can look at. From "Han Cen Peng Chuan" "people suffer, not content, both the flat long, complex Wang Shu, each soldier, head hair is white. "Long Shu four refers to the Gansu area...

很简单人的欲望是无止尽的...................对应英文:Very simple people's desires are endless...

贪得无厌吧,有一题这样的题答案是这样的,但 "肉食者谋之,又何间焉"好像也有这句话,贪得无厌好一些吧!对应英文:Be insatiably avaricious, this is a question that answers questions, but "for the carnivorous, why meddle with it" seems to have this sentence, be insatiably avaricious better!

如果你这样理解爱情,你将永远也不会得到真正的爱情。 真正的爱情是需要彼此的真诚与默契的,双方的理解与包容,信任与忠诚都是很重要的。 当你遇到自己非常喜欢的人,并...对应英文:If you understand love, you will never get the real love. True love is sincere and understanding of each other, with the inclusion of mutual understanding, trust and loyalty is very important. When you meet the person who likes their own, and...

直接甩了他 这样的男人 根本就不能长久对应英文:Direct dump him such man cannot long

时间会让你了解爱情,时间能够证明爱情,也能够把爱推翻。没有一种悲伤是不能被时间减轻的。   如果时间不可以令你忘记那些不该记住的人,我们失去的岁月又有什么意义...对应英文:Time will let you know love, time can prove love, love can also overturned. Is not a sad time can not be mitigated. If time can not make you forget the people who should not have to remember, we lost years what is the significance...


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