

穿一条裤子对应英文:Wear a pair of pants
  拼音:chuān yī tiáo kù zi 
  注音:ㄔㄨㄢ ㄧ ㄊㄧㄠˊ ㄎㄨˋ ˙ㄗㄧ

在人权方面,农民因为地产商的高炽的热情而失去土地,政府也是和开发商同穿一条裤子.对应英文:In the field of human rights, farmers lost their land developers high blazing passion, the government and developers with wearing a pair of pants

重要的是我们的驴象两党都是穿一条裤子的,只要看到这两党谁都不反对自由贸易,就知道他们是一丘之貉。对应英文:It is important to our bipartisan is to wear a pair of pants, as long as the parties who are not against free trade, they know they are birds of a feather.

这似乎很清楚地表明总统内阁早就知道这些都是假的,或者说他们应该知道——如果他们没有忽视反对派的意见或者只联络跟他们同穿一条裤子的人。对应英文:It seems clear that the president and his team knew that are false, or that they should know -- if they do not ignore the opposition or only contact with wearing a pants with them.

在人权方面,农民因为地产商的高炽的热情而失去土地,政府也是和开发商同穿一条裤子.对应英文:In the field of human rights, farmers lost their land developers high blazing passion, the government and developers with wearing a pair of pants

重要的是我们的驴象两党都是穿一条裤子的,只要看到这两党谁都不反对自由贸易,就知道他们是一丘之貉。对应英文:It is important to our bipartisan is to wear a pair of pants, as long as the parties who are not against free trade, they know they are birds of a feather.

这似乎很清楚地表明总统内阁早就知道这些都是假的,或者说他们应该知道——如果他们没有忽视反对派的意见或者只联络跟他们同穿一条裤子的人。对应英文:It seems clear that the president and his team knew that are false, or that they should know -- if they do not ignore the opposition or only contact with wearing a pants with them.

你告不赢他的,县里的当官的和他穿一条裤子。对应英文:You won't win the lawsuit against him, the county official and he's wearing pants.

遇到领导说,有人等真不错,你俩真穿一条裤子。她回敬领导,没有没有,分得很清晰。想好要她和我一起回。对应英文:Encountered the leadership said, a person is really good, you two really pants. She returned the leadership, no no, made it clear. To think she and I go back to.

贪婪的个人投资者追逐市场趋势和潮流,同机构穿一条裤子。对应英文:Greedy investors chasing the market trend and the trend, the same boat.

同事认为他是一个性格开朗,古道热肠的好人,他有时候会扎一条蝴蝶结领带,或穿一条海军裤子来上班。对应英文:Colleagues say he is a cheerful, considerate and warmhearted person, sometimes he tied a bow tie, or wear a Navy Pants to work.

他扮演了一个身无分文、无家可归的人,穿一条肥大的裤子、一双破烂的鞋子,戴一顶小而圆的黑帽,手拿一根拐杖。对应英文:He played a poor, homeless man, wearing a pair of trousers, a pair of tattered shoes, wearing a cap with a small round black hat, holding a walking stick.

也许我们从来就没有买过可以同穿的裤子-一条可以彼此分享的牛仔裤,这也许是可以再次把我们的姐妹帮聚到一起的好方法,尽管我们各自所走的道路并不同。对应英文:Perhaps we never bought one can wear pants - one can share the jeans, this may be the good method of our sisters together again, despite the differences in our paths.

一个男孩穿一条发亮的裤子和黄色短袖衫。对应英文:A boy wearing a flared pants and a yellow short sleeved shirt.

一些观众注意到乔布斯此次在他标志性的黑色圆领套衫和牛仔裤装上系了一条黑色的腰带,他看上去就是穿了一条宽松的裤子,看起来似乎像是一个忍者。对应英文:Some in the audience noticed Jobs's in his trademark black turtleneck sweater and jeans, a black belt, he looked like he was wearing a loose trousers, looks like a ninja.

如果你也向温莎宫看齐,那就看你能把一条裤子穿多久。对应英文:If you can keep up with the Windsors, then you can make your trousers long.

谁会穿只有一条裤管的裤子?对应英文:Who would wear only a trouser pants?

她的脸精心化了妆,戴着水晶吊坠耳环,穿了一条蛋壳蓝的裤子和一双白色凉鞋。对应英文:Her face is carefully made up, wearing a crystal pendant earrings, wearing an eggshell blue trousers and a pair of white sandals.

但Hussein因对其案件的公开宣传而引来较大关注。 在照片中,她穿了一条宽松的绿裤子。对应英文:But the Hussein due to the case of publicity and attract great attention. In the photo, she was wearing a loose green trousers.

他穿的是一条黑色的裤子。对应英文:He was wearing a pair of black pants.

我穿的是一条蓝色的裤子。对应英文:I'm wearing blue trousers.

在特别冷和风很大的时候,我建议在放风的裤子里面多穿一条贴身的秋裤(同样也是能够排汗的高技术纤维织物)。对应英文:In the cold and windy, I suggest in the yard pants to wear a close fitting long underwear (also can be high tech fiber wicking fabric).

巴黎拥有一条禁止女性穿裤子的法律。 现在,这项实行了200多年的禁令终于有望解除。对应英文:Paris has a law banning women from wearing trousers. Now, it's 200 year old ban may finally be lifted.

穿一条窄的或紧身的裤子,以便清晰地看到自己腿的轮廓,侧身站在一面全身镜前面,站远一点,以足够看到整个身体。对应英文:Wear a narrow or tight pants, in order to see clearly his own leg contour, stand sideways in front of a full-length mirror, stand point, enough to see the whole body.

一个淡褐色皮肤的瘦女孩,穿了一条黄色的丝质裤子,独自穿越一道瓦砾之上的贫瘠风景。对应英文:A light brown skin thin girl, wearing a yellow silk blouse, walk through a barren landscape of rubble.

父亲出门,穿了全家仅有的一条裤子,闺女只好光着屁股留在坑上。对应英文:His father to go out, wear the family pair of pants, leave his daughter naked on the upper.

但是如果你在打滚时不小心尿湿了裤子,你就得再穿一条吸水力强的运动裤。对应英文:But if you're in the roll accidentally wet pants, you have to wear a suction sweatpants hydraulic strong.

李小姐:我喜欢穿红的。我还想买一条裤子。对应英文:Miss Li: I like red. I also want to buy a pair of pants.

最后她找到一件拉姆西大人的缝了衬垫的紧身上衣和一条老旧的裤子,穿在她身上就像鼓风的船帆一样。对应英文:Finally she found a piece of Lord Ramsey's sewing padded doublets and an old trousers, wear in like blast her sails.

有些地方,人们仍然穿得很破,但夫妻合用一条裤子的事很少了。对应英文:In some places, people still wear very broken, but the couple share a few pants.

据画面显示,躺在冷藏室内的卡扎菲遗体没有穿着遮盖上体的衣物,只穿了一条破旧、沾满血渍的裤子。对应英文:According to the picture show, Al-qaddafi's body lay in the cold room with no covering the upper body clothing, wearing a worn, stained with blood stains on the pants.

老师连忙带他下楼,给他一条运动短裤,让他在裤子晾干前穿。对应英文:The teacher hurriedly take him downstairs, his shorts, in his pants dry out.

俗语穿一条裤子chuān yī tiáo kù zi是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/2118.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

   穿一条裤子chuān yī tiáo kùzi   (1) [have common interests]∶比喻两人关系密切,利害一致   贪官和这些奸商穿一条裤子   (2) [have common opinion]∶遇事持同样的态度   你们穿一条裤子,早编好了哄我的话。——刘绍棠《田野落霞》

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