

大海里捞针对应英文:Find a needle in a haystack

在院子里找我的钥匙就好像是在大海里捞针相同困难。对应英文:To find my key in the yard is like looking for a needle in a haystack the same difficulties.

在院子里找我的钥匙就似乎是在大海里捞针一样困难。对应英文:To find my key in the yard is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

FCIC副主席Bill Thomas表示,高盛知道该委员会资源有限,但却让委员会工作人员大海里捞针.对应英文:Vice chairman FCIC Bill Thomas said, Goldman know the Committee of limited resources, but the committee staff to find a needle in a haystack

在院子里找我的钥匙就似乎是在大海里捞针一样困难。对应英文:To find my key in the yard is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

FCIC副主席Bill Thomas表示,高盛知道该委员会资源有限,但却让委员会工作人员大海里捞针.对应英文:Vice chairman FCIC Bill Thomas said, Goldman know the Committee of limited resources, but the committee staff to find a needle in a haystack


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