

不费吹灰之力对应英文:As easy as blowing off dust
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    bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì
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没有人会想到到那个地方找你,而你可以不费吹灰之力到达这座建筑的其他任何地方。对应英文:No one will ever think of looking for you, and you can be as easy as blowing off dust to any other part of the building.

用这个套索,我们已经驱除了许多宠物扁虱,而且不管扁虱有多小,我们都不费吹灰之力把它轻而易举地弄干净。对应英文:Using the lasso, we have removed a number of pet ticks and tick, no matter how small, we are as easy as blowing off dust to be an easy job to clean it.

搜索引擎令每位用户即时轻松地比较所有供应商提供的价格不费吹灰之力。对应英文:Search engine to each user to instantly and easily compare prices from every supplier as easy as blowing off dust.

没有人会想到到那个地方找你,而你可以不费吹灰之力到达这座建筑的其他任何地方。对应英文:No one will ever think of looking for you, and you can be as easy as blowing off dust to any other part of the building.

用这个套索,我们已经驱除了许多宠物扁虱,而且不管扁虱有多小,我们都不费吹灰之力把它轻而易举地弄干净。对应英文:Using the lasso, we have removed a number of pet ticks and tick, no matter how small, we are as easy as blowing off dust to be an easy job to clean it.

搜索引擎令每位用户即时轻松地比较所有供应商提供的价格不费吹灰之力。对应英文:Search engine to each user to instantly and easily compare prices from every supplier as easy as blowing off dust.

尽管微软拒绝评论是否计划为上网本推出新的操作系统,分析人士表示,如果微软愿意进入这一市场,将是不费吹灰之力。对应英文:Although Microsoft declined to comment on whether the plan for netbooks launched the new operating system, analysts said, if Microsoft willing to enter this market, will be as easy as blowing off dust.

如果莫斯科真想让人权斗士遇害案件水落石出,并且保护那些仍在车臣坚持斗争的人权工作者,它可以不费吹灰之力就做到。对应英文:If Moscow really want to investigate the murders of human rights defenders, and protect those who still struggle in the Chechen human rights workers, it can be as easy as blowing off dust do.

地震使海床升高并由此引发了海啸(该词源于日语)。 这次海啸来势凶猛,不费吹灰之力就将日本最好的海岸防备系统破坏殆尽。对应英文:Earthquake makes the ocean floor, and thus triggered a tsunami (the word is Japanese). The tsunami ferocious, as easy as blowing off dust will be Japan's best coastal defences destruction.

而且尽管天才演说家在做演讲的时候看似不费吹灰之力,但是每位了不起的演讲者都知道做好演说的关键是是做充分准备。对应英文:And although a talented speaker makes presentations seem as easy as blowing off dust, but every great speaker knows that the key to speech is ready.

那些你花费很少精力ihuo不费吹灰之力去做能真正打动别人的事物,可能就是你的天赋所在。 天赋加上勤奋就会成功。对应英文:What you spend a little effort to ihuo as easy as blowing off dust to really impress others, may be your genius. Talent and hard work will be successful.

对一些人来说,上述信念是不费吹灰之力唾手可得的,然而对于我们中的许多人,这是一门需要一点帮助和实践的艺术。对应英文:For some people, the belief is as easy as blowing off dust with extreme ease, however, for many of us, this is a need a little help and practice the art of.

时装模特总是看起来好像不费吹灰之力,可区区一双4英寸的高跟鞋却通常能把你折腾的死去活来。对应英文:Fashion models always seems as easy as blowing off dust, can be just a pair of 4 inch heels but usually keep half alive you toss.

由于是星期天加圣诞节,很多公司的停车场都是空荡荡地,不费吹灰之力,我们又找到新的地方了。对应英文:Because it is the Christmas week days, parking lot, all is empty, as easy as blowing off dust, we find a new place.

在媒介使用功能得以绵延之后,一部分网站访问者就将通过一个临时手机系统被有效激活,这样,你可以不费吹灰之力就按需供“图”,令所有人满意。对应英文:After is continuous media use function, the part of the site visitors will be through a temporary mobile phone system is activated, so you can be as easy as blowing off dust, as needed for "map", make everyone satisfied.

我们不费吹灰之力地从岛的东北角驶到北汊的入口处。对应英文:We as easy as blowing off dust from the north-east corner of the island to the mouth of the North inlet.

你要清醒,并非成功者都是天造之才,他们也不是不费吹灰之力就得到成功的。对应英文:You should be aware of, are not successful is made of the day before, they are not as easy as blowing off dust will be successful.

还有不少婚宴上放红包的大红箱子就放在桌上,劫匪几乎不费吹灰之力就可以得到几万甚至十几万欧元现金。对应英文:There are many wedding red red box on the table, the robber is almost as easy as blowing off dust can be tens or even hundreds of thousands of euros.

你不费吹灰之力就能把我打倒。对应英文:You can put me down as easy as blowing off dust.

它们不仅有助于组织和安排多个软件安装,而且还可以根据需要,任意次数地更改这样的安排,而且不费吹灰之力。对应英文:They not only contribute to the organization and arrangement of a plurality of software installation, but also can according to need, any number of times to change such arrangements, and as easy as blowing off dust.

当你在自己的思维反射波上冲浪时,就已经处在了立即行动的状态中,而且几乎不费吹灰之力。对应英文:When you are in my thoughts reflected wave surf, had been in a state of direct action, and almost as easy as blowing off dust.

有越来越多迹象显示美国经济在缓慢复苏,这大部分应归功于伯南克的努力,因此他的提名获参议院批准应不费吹灰之力.对应英文:There are increasing signs of USA economy in slow recovery, thanks in large part to Bernanke's efforts, so his nomination by the Senate approval should be as easy as blowing off dust

权力在纽约也有作用,不过纽约人有点见钱眼开,即使那是你不费吹灰之力继承来的。对应英文:Power also plays a role in New York, but New York is a bit greedy, even if it is as easy as blowing off dust you inherited.

而普京则不费吹灰之力,保持了自己勇猛无畏的大男子形象。对应英文:Putin is as easy as blowing off dust, maintained their fearless man image.

但是,使用 IBM 提供的映像可以更好地开始,不费吹灰之力。对应英文:However, the use of IBM to provide image can be better, as easy as blowing off dust.

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