

八字没一撇对应英文:Not even the first stroke of the character is in sight
释 义;比喻事情还没有眉目
    词 目
    发 音
    bā zì méi yī piě
    释 义
    出 处
    《通俗常言疏证》卷三: “《通俗编》:‘朱子《与刘子澄书》:圣贤已是八字打开了,人不自领会。’按今有‘八字不见两撇’之谚,似又因于此。凡事无端绪者,谓之八字不曾见两撇。”

而且北韩显然八字没一撇。对应英文:But North Korea is apparently nothing left.

是啊,细菌是交换一些DNA片段来着,但比起由复杂细胞团组成的真核生物那种不顾一切的“干劲”来,细菌的性事还八字没一撇呢。对应英文:Yeah, bacteria are some DNA fragments, but it is composed of complex cells of eukaryotic organisms that fling caution to the winds of the "energy", bacterial sex "doesn't begin.

该消息人士说,“游说投资人大手笔投资来推动另一个八字还没一撇的交易是不负责的,同时也违反了信托责任。”对应英文:The source said, "lobbying investment's investment to push another haven't even gotten started trading is not responsible for, but also violated the fiduciary responsibility."

是啊,细菌是交换一些DNA片段来着,但比起由复杂细胞团组成的真核生物那种不顾一切的“干劲”来,细菌的性事还八字没一撇呢。对应英文:Yeah, bacteria are some DNA fragments, but it is composed of complex cells of eukaryotic organisms that fling caution to the winds of the "energy", bacterial sex "doesn't begin.

该消息人士说,“游说投资人大手笔投资来推动另一个八字还没一撇的交易是不负责的,同时也违反了信托责任。”对应英文:The source said, "lobbying investment's investment to push another haven't even gotten started trading is not responsible for, but also violated the fiduciary responsibility."


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