

比上不足比下有余对应英文:Worse off than some, better off than many
【汉语拼音】bǐ shàng bùzú,bǐ xià yǒu yú\n\n【英文】fall short of the best but be better than the worst;can pass muster

比上不足比下有余,和那些正承受着悲剧的人,那些为了生存苦苦挣扎的人比一比吧。对应英文:More than than under, and those who are suffering tragedy, those who are struggling to survive people than.

比上不足比下有余,和那些正承受着悲剧的人,那些为了生存苦苦挣扎的人比一比吧。对应英文:More than than under, and those who are suffering tragedy, those who are struggling to survive people than.


指中等水平 这里只讲一位比上不足,比下有余的人物。——茅盾《雾重庆拾零》

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