

不看僧面看佛面对应英文:Out of deference to sb. Else
    词 目
    发 音
    bù kàn sēng miàn kàn fó miàn
    释 义
    出 处
    示 例

不看僧面看佛面--比喻请看第三者的情面帮助或宽恕某一个人名不正言不顺--名义上不正,言语上说不通顺。对应英文:Out of deference to sb. else -- metaphor see third persons help or forgiving someone undeserving - name is not correct, the words said not fluent.

不看僧面看佛面,不看鱼情看水情对应英文:Out of deference to sb. else, do not look at the fish season regime

不看僧面看佛面,是一种将自己置于较低位置的语境。潜台词有请求之意,常用于妥协的情境。打狗也要看主人,是一种将自己置于较高位置的语境。潜台词有威胁之意,常用于护...对应英文:Out of deference to sb. else, is a kind of put themselves in the lower position of the context. The subtext has the request of Italy, commonly used to compromise the situation. The dog also depends on the owner, is a kind of put themselves in a higher position context. The subtext has the threat of Italy, used to support...

不看僧面看佛面 发音 ù à ē à à ó à 释义 比喻请看第三者的情面帮助或宽恕某一个人。 示例 你~,我恁说着,你就不依依儿。(明·兰陵笑笑生《金瓶梅词话》...对应英文:Out of deference to sb. else pronunciation ù à e à à ó à metaphor interpretation see third persons to help or to forgive someone. The sample you ~, I you said, you will not run. (Ming Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng "Jinpingmei"...

不看僧面看佛面--比喻请看第三者的情面帮助或宽恕某一个人 名不正言不顺--名义上不正,言语上说不通顺。对应英文:Out of deference to sb. else -- metaphor see third persons help or forgiving someone undeserving - name is not correct, the words said not fluent.

不看僧面看佛面,是一种将自己置于较低位置的语境。潜台词有请求之意,常用于妥协的情境。 打狗也要看主人,是一种将自己置于较高位置的语境。潜台词有威胁之意,常用于...对应英文:Out of deference to sb. else, is a kind of put themselves in the lower position of the context. The subtext has the request of Italy, commonly used to compromise the situation. The dog also depends on the owner, is a kind of put themselves in a higher position context. The subtext has the threat of Italy, commonly used in the...

这是下联吧!对应英文:This is the second line!

这一下子可完了 结下了不解之缘 三句话不离本行 矮子肚里疙瘩多 一人做事一人当 不看僧面看佛面 强中自有强中手 英雄难过美人关 有情人终成眷属 置之生死对应英文:This was over the indissoluble bound three sentences without the dwarf stomach bumps a people do when a man out of deference to sb. else strong in its own strong hand hero sad beauty has life and death lovers set

然而你只是漠视。每日夜里,我含泪祈祷神明, 如果你看了我一眼,我就会幸福的死掉, 如果你不看我,我就会痛苦的死掉。 是不是爱一个人就是这样生生死死而又心甘情愿 而...对应英文:However you just ignore. Every night, I pray God, if you look at me, I will be happy to die, if you don't see me, I will be painful to die. Is it right? Love is such a person, be most willing to life and death...

我学了几年中医,又看了些道家养生的书,然后看了视频忏云老法师教拜佛,看后我泪如雨下,我学了那几年的书,佛教里一个拜佛的姿势,就把我学的知识都包含进去了,何其之伟大...对应英文:I learned a few years Chinese medicine, also saw some Taoist books, and then look at the video Chan cloud the old master to teach the Buddha, I see shed floods down one's cheeks., I learned that a few years, a Buddha. In Buddhism, put my knowledge are included, how great...

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