

救场如救火对应英文:Save the field such as fire

没人提问的情况下提问,就是救场如救火!对应英文:No one questions the case question, is to save the field such as fire!

约她去玩啊 带她去逛街吃饭什么的,让两人有更进深一步的了解,真喜欢她的话给她买衣服或者小首饰什么的,发展快的话你要主动的牵她的手抱她甚至亲她,当然前提她不能反感...对应英文:Asked her to go to the play with her to go shopping to eat what, let two people have further understanding, really love her for her clothes or jewelry what, the rapid development of you must take the initiative to hold her hand to hug her and her dear, if she cannot...

救场如救火就是这些!!希望可以帮到你!! 祝你健康幸福!!对应英文:Save the field such as fire is the hope can help to you!!!! I wish you health and happiness!!

按理说明天就是年初四医生就要全部上班,这是做为医生这个特殊行业的职责,我姐也是医务工作者,她明天就正式上班了对应英文:Arguably, tomorrow is the beginning of the four doctor will all work, this is made for this special industry the duty of a doctor, my sister is a medical worker, she was going to work tomorrow

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"年月日",新中国建国周年大庆前不久,在东北松辽盆地陆相沉积中找到了工业性油流,遂以"大庆"命名油田。 大庆市始称安达市。年月日,安达县撤销,设置安达...对应英文:"Date", the new Chinese founding anniversary of Daqing not long ago, in the Northeast Songliao basin facies to find industrial oil flow, so the name "Daqing" oil field. Daqing city was named anda city. Date anda County, revocation, set anda...

关于礼仪礼貌的很容易啊! 三角对唱就可以! 可以建议两点礼仪(丑化你们同学平常见面的方式了,见老师的方式,见校长的方式,等等)礼貌(不用丑化直接把你们平常关于礼貌...对应英文:On politeness very easy! Triangle duet can! Can suggest two Etiquette (beautify your classmates the usual way to meet, see the teacher's way, to see the principal way, and so on) politeness (not vilify directly to your usual politeness...

功夫练到家,上台不怯场。  救场如救火。  唱戏的是"疯子",看戏的是"傻子"。  台上一声啼,台下千人泪台上一声笑,台下万人欢。  有板有眼叫戏,没板没眼叫屁...对应英文:Kung Fu practice home, came not stage fright. Save the field such as fire. The opera is "Crazy", the theatre is "fool". A voice crying, a thousand tears a laugh, a million people. Rhythmical called the play, not the board did not call fart eye...

功夫练到家,上台不怯场。 救场如救火。 唱戏的是"疯子",看戏的是"傻子"。 台上一声啼,台下千人泪台上一声笑,台下万人欢。 有板有眼叫戏,没板没眼叫屁。 艺不离手曲不...对应英文:Kung Fu practice home, came not stage fright. Save the field such as fire. The opera is "Crazy", the theatre is "fool". A voice crying, a thousand tears a laugh, a million people. Rhythmical called the play, not the board did not call fart eye. Art is inseparable from the music is not...

功夫练到家,上台不怯场。   救场如救火。   唱戏的是"疯子",看戏的是"傻子"。   台上一声啼,台下千人泪台上一声笑,台下万人欢。   有板有眼叫戏,没板没...对应英文:Kung Fu practice home, came not stage fright. Save the field such as fire. The opera is "Crazy", the theatre is "fool". A voice crying, a thousand tears a laugh, a million people. Rhythmical called the play, not the board did not...


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