

宁死不弯腰对应英文:Would rather die than bend

如今,日本鬼子打到了咱们家门口,逼死了三老太爷,我立誓,宁死不当亡国奴!我死以后,本族老少如有与日本鬼子通同一气者人人可骂之!我死以后,如有与日本鬼子通同一气者,...对应英文:Now, Japs came into our home, kill the old man, I swear, I properly conquered! After I died, the family and if there be in league with... Japs who everyone can scold! After I die, if there are Japs be in league with..,...

宁做那笔直折断的剑,不做那弯腰屈存的钩。兵库的剑、刀是不能搜去的,越国的骨气是不能丧失的。(沉毅地)疾风知劲草,岁寒见青松。只有苦成我去,才是万全之策。"对应英文:Rather do it straight broken sword, don't do it to save the bend hook. The knife sword, Hyogo cannot search a go, his character is not lost. (composed of) winds know Supergrass, whether see pine. Only suffering to me, is a sure card. "

.好!你们是南天最优秀的儿郎!记住,南天人流血不流泪,宁死不弯腰!今天我们就要让所有的小日本看看到中国人的风采,要让他们知道我们的刀是冷的,我们的血是热对应英文:Good. You are the best! 'son! Remember, Nantian men bleeds does not burst into tears, would rather die than bend! Today we are going to let all the Japanese have a look to Chinese style, want to let them know our knife is cold, our blood is hot

欲独霸为己有,曾先后两次兴师动众,深掘数尺,连根带土运往日本,悉心养护,但均告失败,汉牡丹宁死不弯腰,不做负国"人"。汉牡丹遭此劫难后,数年不发。然而解放后的第二个...对应英文:To dominate oneself, has two selectmen, dig deep shuchi, root soil shipped to Japan, careful maintenance, but were unsuccessful, the Chinese Peony would rather die than to bend, not negative country "". Han peony by this disaster, number of years not hair. However, after the liberation of the second...

诗人通过描写白杨的"斗土"形象,描写白杨那种宁死也不肯向谁弯腰的精神,赞美了在任何险恶的环境中也不卑躬屈膝的高贵品质,独立的人格和向上的追求。仙人掌没有奴颜媚骨...对应英文:The poet describes Aspen "bucket soil" image, description of poplar that is willing to die who bowed to spirit, praise in dangerous environments do not bow and scrape the noble quality, independent personality and the pursuit of upward. Cacti no sycophancy or obsequiousness...

.好!你们是南天最优秀的儿郎!记住,南天人流血不流泪,宁死不弯腰!今天我们就要让所有的小日本看看到中国人的风采,要让他们知道我们的刀是冷的,我们的血是热的,任何...对应英文:Good. You are the best! 'son! Remember, Nantian men bleeds does not burst into tears, would rather die than bend! Today we are going to let all the Japanese have a look to Chinese style, want to let them know our knife is cold, our blood is hot, any...

骨万碎,血横流,生生死死不回头!  良善何曾离心远,杀戮几时入人间,我以我眼看造化,我以我心开青天  难...千古霸业论英雄,挺身问剑,这一生,不弯腰!  何人云端起舞,...对应英文:Bone million pieces, blood flow, life and death not back! Goodness or centrifugal far, killing when I saw the earth, nature, I open my heart to the sky... Eternal hegemony hero, to ask the sword, this life, not to bow one cloud dance,...

百姓来缴租税,其中有头发花白、弯腰偻背拄拐杖的,何易于一定招他过来给他吃东西,问他政治上什么事办得对、什么事办得不对。百姓有事争讼,何易于都亲自和他们谈话,给他...对应英文:The people to pay the tax, which has gray hair, stoop to back on crutches, he must move to him to give him something to eat, ask him what things done on politics, what things done wrong. People have the dispute, he is personally to talk with them, to give him...

她不但不像别的妃嫔一样跟皇帝说话时低首弯腰,一副奴才相,反而公然抱住皇帝,摸他的脑袋……这种"大不敬"的"野蛮"行为,除她之外,是无人敢做的。也正是她表现的不同,万历...对应英文:She not only not like other women like the emperor spoke Dishou bent, a pair of servility, but openly embraced the emperor, touched his head...... This "disrespectful" of the "savage" behavior, except her, no one dares to do. Is she behaved differently, wanli...

"如今,日本鬼子打到了咱们家门口,逼死了三老太 爷,我立誓,宁死不当亡国奴!我死以后,本族老少如有与日本鬼子通同一气者, 人人可骂之!我死以后,如有与日本鬼子通同一气...对应英文:"Now, Japs came into our home, to kill the three old grandpa, I swear, I properly conquered! After I died, the family and if there be in league with... Japs, everyone can scold! After I die, if be in league with... And Japs...


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